"February 11: Andre de Dienes sends Marilyn a telegram calling her "Turkey Foot," his nickname for her: "STOP FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF. GET OUT OF THE HOSPITAL. LET'S GO DRIVING AND HIKING THROUGH THE REDWOODS, INCOGNITO, AND TAKE BEAUTIFUL PICTURES LIKE NOBODY COULD EVER TAKE. IT WILL CURE YOU OF ALL YOUR ILLS. CALL ME UP. LOVE." Nan Taylor, the wife of Frank Taylor, producer of The Misfits, writes to Marilyn: "It seems to me again, as it did last summer, very sad that we who have been given so much by you cannot give you even what little we might in return. You have my admiration for your courage, my gratitude for the many delights of charm and beauty and humor your presence has meant, and my deep sorrow for your troubles. I believe in your strength, Marilyn, as I believe in the sun. If at any time I can help in any way, please let me, Love, Nan." --