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"Chase shoved one of the ultrasound pictures in Bree's face, "Then what the hell is this?" I stepped up next to her, took the photo out of his hand and spoke softly, trying to hide my shaking. "It's mine Chase." You could have heard a pin drop. Chase's face had softened as soon as he'd seen me, but turned into one of shock when he registered what I'd said. After a few minutes, a grin that reached his eyes spread across his face as he searched mine. His eyes slowly trailed down to my stomach and grew wide, "You're pregnant Princess?" "Yes." I whispered. He lifted his head to smile at me and dropped it again, gaze fixed on my bump. This time no one stopped me when I let my hand fall to cover it lovingly. "Is it - is it mine?" "Of course it is." "We're going to have a baby?" "Yes." "This is our baby?" He reached for the photo in my hand. I smiled, "Yes." His expression was so beautiful, tears instantly poured down my cheeks. "We're having a baby." I laughed through my tears and nodded my head. Chase ran a hand through his hair and huffed out a laugh. He looked from the picture to my stomach once more, "I love you so much." he breathed and closed the distance between us, crushing his lips to mine. I didn't care that his family was watching, I threw my arms around his neck and let him lift me off the ground. After I was good and kissed, he set me back down and dropped to his knees. Running his hand over my gummy bear bump, he lifted my shirt and kissed my bare stomach twice. A sob broke out of my chest and I looked at Claire who was freely crying and leaning into Robert. Even Bree was wiping a few tears away. Chase stood back up and cupped my face in his hands, "Why didn't you tell me?" "I was scared," I shrugged, "I still am." "You don't have to be scared," he whispered and kissed my nose, "I'll take care of us." I"