Temple started to become excited. 'I want to get this out before you get to the airport,' she said, with a sort of urgency. She had been brought up an Episcopalian, she told me, but had rather early 'given up orthodox belief' - belief in any personal deity or intention - in favour of a more 'scientific' notion of God. 'I believe there is some ultimate ordering force for good in the universe - not a personal thing, not Buddha or Jesus, maybe something like order out of disorder. I like to hope that even if there's no personal afterlife, some energy impression is left in the universe. . . . Most people can pass on genes - I can pass on thoughts or what I write. 'This is what I get very upset at. . . .' Temple, who was driving, suddenly faltered and wept. 'I've read that libraries are where immortality lies. . . . I don't want my thoughts to die with me. . . . I want to have done something. . . . I'm not interested in power, or piles of money. I want to leave something behind. I want to make a positive contribution - know that my life has meaning. Right now, I'm talking about things at the very core of my existence.