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If you wish to leave, there is nothing, to my knowledge, to stop you,' said Jerott. 'Well, that's good news,' said Marthe, with final and unanswerable malice. 'I thought you needed the gold in my saddle.' Deferentially, Salablanca's voice broached Jerott's silence. 'La senorita has known that the gold has been concealed in that place?' 'La senorita,' said Marthe coldly, 'in the absence of offers, has been saddling and unsaddling that damned horse like a coal-heaver for three days since you sewed the coins in the lining. It was hardly likely the weight would fail to attract my attention.' Which left Jerott wondering, gloomily, which it was Lymond had miscalculated so severely: Marthe's native intelligence, or the chivalry of her masculine escort: himself.