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I know what the cynics will say. I know how the scoffers will sneer. I know the non-dreamers believing only in the brutal ways of force will laugh me off as impossibly naive. But I don't care. I've grown immune to their strain of unbelief. I've turned a corner. I believe that what Isaiah dreamed of, Jesus died for. I believe that what Isaiah said would come to pass in the last days, Jesus inaugurated in his resurrection. I've caught a glimpse of the better world that can be--a world that Jesus came to give and continues to offer us. I believe the world of peace is possible in Christ. I won't let the doomsday preppers with their Armageddon obsession talk me out of it. Jesus has already spoken the first word of a new world--the word peace. So things have changed. I have changed. I've prayed my last war prayer and preached my last war sermon. I've given up bellicose flag waving and singing lustily about bombs bursting in air. I've bid a final farewell to Mars. From now on I follow the Prince of Peace. I know others will come with me. Maybe you will be one of them. I hope so.