"Holding my breath, I lay as still as death and listened to Hannah walk toward the bed. She leaned over me and whispered Andrew's name, my name, touching my skin with soft, warm fingers. She was no dream, no ghost. "Mama," she cried, "Mama, come quick!" A door opened, and footsteps raced toward me. "His fever's gone, Mama. He's still alive." Hannah's voice shook and she burst into tears. "Praise be," a woman whispered. "Open your eyes, Andrew, look at me." Dumb with fear, I stared at Mrs. Tyler. Even if I'd wanted to, I couldn't have spoken. Suppose I didn't sound like Andrew? Suppose I said the wrong thing? Surely they'd know I was an imposter. Alarmed by my silence, Mrs. Tyler told Hannah to call Dr. Fulton. "His eyes, the way he looks at me--you'd think the boy had never seen me before."