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"Hey, Dylan," I said, holding my orange ball. "You got rid of the Mohawk." Lark and Raven's stepbrother ran his hand over his bald head and sighed. "Yeah, I'd been thinking about going the business man route for a while. Kept going back and forth about cutting it. A few weeks ago, I got drunk at Lark's place. The sisters were nice enough to shave my head while I was passed out." Nearby, Raven laughed so hard she had trouble distracting Vaughn who was still trying to win the game. Dylan glared at her then shrugged. "Gonna let it grow out and play the average Joe shit." "Good luck with that," I said, glancing at the bathroom and hoping Bailey would appear. When she didn't, I walked to an open lane and rolled the ball. It took out a single pin which was one more than I expected. A lane away Raven struggled to win against Vaughn. She bent over one direction. When her ass didn't do it, she bent forward and adjusted her tits. A distracted Vaughn missed his strike with a single pin remaining. Before I could hear him complain and her celebrate, Cooper and Tucker appeared next to me. "I liked the way you handled that fucker," Tucker said, arms crossed tightly. "You always know how to deal with these losers while looking like a Boy Scout. A good skill to have." Ignoring them, I rolled the second ball and managed to take out three pins. A new record for me. "What's with the silent shit?" Tucker asked. Sighing, I looked at them and frowned. "I want to be with Bailey. We just started dating, but here I am jumping through hoops for you two. You do this shit with every guy?" "Most are losers," Cooper said. "Most never do the second date thing. They bang then hang. If they're lucky, she never mentions it to us and we don't kick anyone's ass. You're the first boyfriend type she's had." "Our family needs good people," added Tucker. Cooper shifted his stance and shook his head at his brother. "He doesn't want that life. Nick wants to be a teacher." "Why?" "Who cares?" Cooper said. "It's what he wants. Sounds like a nice safe life for our little sister, don't you think?" Tucker's expression froze and his dopey brain took awhile to put things together. By the time he figured it out, I'd rolled a gutter ball, Bailey returned, and Vaughn declared his wife a cheater. "It's only fair!" Raven cried as Vaughn threw her over his shoulder and spun her around. "You're a better bowler and I want to win. Cheating was the only card I could play." "Making me think some fucker was looking at your ass was low, Raven." "So is naming our first born son Maverick. You're just looking for trouble with a name like that." Vaughn lowered her to her feet then grinned. "My boys will be nothing but trouble. They'll own this town and chase pretty girls like Scarlet and Lily." "Hey, keep your pervy kid away from my daughter!" Tucker hollered, looking pissed. Cooper grabbed his brother and they wrestled onto the ground. By the end of pounding each other, they were both laughing."