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"Can he keep from throwing his hissy fit until he gets to the cauldron?" "I don't know. You're not impressed by his warp spasm, huh?" He grimaced. "It's abhorrent. Total loss of control. No beauty to it, no symmetry. His eye was hanging out on his cheek like some piece of snot. No, I'm not impressed." "I can try to keep a lid on him until we get to the cauldron." I made a pun, but he wasn't in the mood to notice. "No." "What do you mean no?" "No, you're not going with him." I crossed my arms. "Who decided that?" He put on his "I'm alpha and I'm putting my foot down" expression. "I decided." "You don't get to decide. I'm not under your authority." "Yes, you are. Without you the fight will happen, but without me and the Pack, it won't. I command the superior force, therefore I'm in charge. You and your army of one can put yourself under my authority or you can take a walk." "You don't think I can do it, is that it?" "No, I want you where I can see you." "Why?" His lip quivered with the beginning of a snarl. His face relaxed, as he brought himself under control. "Because that's how I want it," he said, using a slow, patience voice reserved for rowdy children and disagreeable mental patients. It drove me to the edge of reason. I really wanted to punch him."