"Sitting Bill returned from the East with an enlarged worldview that not only made him more independent of the agent but also deepened his contempt of the white way of life. First, Sitting Bull set his people straight on the Great Father. The agents had lied: white men did not hold the Great Father sacred. On the contrary, Sitting Bull told them, "half the people in the hotels were always making fun of him and trying to get him out of his place and some other man into his place." As for members of Congress, "they loved their whores more than their wives." And like most white men, they drank too much. Indeed, Sitting Bull told friends, "the soul of a white man is so odored with whiskey that it will have to hang around here on earth for hundreds of years before the winds and storms will so purify it that the people in the other life can endure the smell of it there, and let them in." Once he was back home at Standing Rock, Sitting Bull occasionally took up women's work. When asked why, he would say, "I am trying to learn to be as we will all have to be when the white man gets us."