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"From the Bridge" by Captain Hank Bracker Pebbles, Rocks & Mountains Rocks can be formed in many different ways and are found in just about every corner of our planet, the Moon, up in space and who knows where else. Now pebbles are the mini-me's of rocks and generally are about one to three inches in size. Geologists will tell you that they are about 5 millimeters in diameter, but who's counting? In fact there are two beaches that are made up entirely of pebbles such as the Shingle Beach in Somerset, England. Generally pebbles are found along rivers, streams and creeks whereas mountains are usually a part of a chain that was created along geothermal fault lines. The process of Mountain formation is associated with movements of the earth's crust, which is referred to as plate tectonics. See; now that I looked it up, I know these things! What I'm about to say has absolutely nothing to do with geology and everything to do about human nature. In the course of events we never trip over mountains and seldom over rocks, but tripping over pebbles is another thing. Marilyn French, a writer and feminist scholar is credited with saying, "Men (she should have included Women) stumble over pebbles, never over mountains." She was the lady (I should have said woman) whose provocative 1977 novel, "The Women's Room" captured the frustration and fury of a generation of women fed up with society's traditional conceptions of their roles (and this is true). However, this has nothing to do with the feminist movement and is simply a metaphor. Of course we're not going to trip over mountains, not unless we are bigger than the "Jolly Green Giant!" and so it's usually the little things that trip us up and cause us problems. What comes to mind is found on page 466 of The Exciting Story of Cuba. This is a book that won two awards by the "Florida Authors & Publishers Association" and yet there are small mistakes. They weren't even caused by me or my team and yet there they are, getting bigger and bigger every time I look at them. Now I'm not about to tell you what they are, since that would take the fun out of it, but if you look hard enough in the book, you'll succeed in discovering them! I will however tell you that one of these mistakes was caused by a computer program called "Word." It's wonderful that this program has a spell check and can even correct my grammar, but it can't read my mind. In its infernal wisdom, the program was so insistent that it was right and that I was wrong that it changed the spelling of, in this case, the name of a person in the middle of the night. It happened while I was sleeping! I would have seen it if it had been as big as a mountain, however being just a little pebble it escaped my review and even escaped the eagle eyes of Lucy who still remains the best proof reader and copy editor that I know. When you discover what I missed please refrain from emailing me, although, normally, I would really enjoy hearing from you! I unfortunately already know most of the errors in the book, for which I take full responsibility.