"It hasn't been so easy for me, either," Alessandro said. "Not recently. But I'll die before I'm mad like you." "That's your choice," Orfeo told him. "Me, as surely as I stand upon this commode, I'll have the power to wait for the gracious sap. I'll wait in fog, rain, or on the mountaintop, but I'll wait, and the blessed sap will come, and do you know what it will do? I'll tell you. It will fuck the typewriter." Alessandro was stunned. Still, he managed to say, "I saw typewriters in the hall of scribes." "No one said the battle would be easy. They creep upon me like a lapping tick. All day long, tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock, ding! Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock, ding! Whoever invented that machine...!" His eyes fired in rage."