I am human. It is always best not to deny to yourself that you might occasionally suffer from a little bit of stinkin' thinkin' - so give it its moment, then boot it out! So don't beat yourself up about having a bad day - I have had loads of them and will have many more in the future. Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back for being human after all, then get out there and get moving again. Oh, and I have a good trick for doing stuff, like exercising, when I really am not in the mood...I tell myself that I can quit, but only after three minutes. I have to at least begin. Invariably after three minutes of running, I find I am in the groove and want to keep going. The hard bit is always getting going, so I commit at least to start, with my 'three-minute-get-out clause'...which, of course, then doesn't get used! Whatever works for you...but keep feeding the motivation into your brain and soul every day. Remember the previous chapter on armpits!