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"The waiter brought the drinks. After he had moved silently away, I looked at her and said, "You're not involved in any of this?" She looked into her glass. Several seconds went by. "You want an honest answer, or a really honest answer?" she asked. "Give me both." "Okay," she said, nodding. "The honest answer is no." She took a sip of the Highland Park. Closed her eyes. "The really honest answer is, is..." "Is, not yet," I said quietly. Her eyes opened and she looked at me. "How do you know?" I watched her for a moment, feeling her distress, seeing an opportunity. "You're being suborned," I said. "It's a process, a series of techniques. If you even half realize it, you're smarter than most. You've also got a chance to do something about it, if you want to." "What do you mean?" I sipped from my glass, watching the amber liquid glowing in the candlelight, remembering. "You start slow. You find the subject's limits and get him to spend some time there. He gets used to it. Before long, the limits have moved. You never take him more than a centimeter beyond. You make it feel it's his choice." I looked at her. "You told me when you first got to the club you were so shy you could hardly move on the stage." "Yes, that's true." "At that point you would never have done a lap dance." "No." "But now you can." "Yes." Her voice was low, almost a whisper. "When you did your first lap dance, you probably said you would never let a customer touch you." "I did say that," she said. Her voice had gone lower. "Of course you did. I could go on. I could tell you where you'll be three months from now, six months, a year. Twenty years, if you keep going where you're going. Naomi, you think this is all an accident? It's a science. There are people out there who are experts at getting others to do tomorrow what was unthinkable today." But for her breath, moving rapidly in and out through her nostrils, she was silent, and I wondered if she was fighting tears. I needed to push it just a little further before backing off. "You want to know what's next for you?" I asked. She looked at me but said nothing."