"The camaraderie of the trail was a constant. To Cisco, Pancho was "Chico," and their allegiances were first and foremost to each other. Though Cisco would often scold his partner for stupidity, no other man was allowed to denigrate his friend. Cisco was a fighter, a formidable foe with fists or guns. The fights, especially in the Jack Mather syndications, were wildly verbal, with Cisco and Pancho jabbering away even in the thick of fisticuffs. And now, hombre, we shall see if you are as tough as your words! (Punch-punch-punch) Ah'll kill you, Cisco! (Punch-pummel-pound) Oh, I think not! (Punch-punch-slug) Ceesco! Behind you! (Jab, dance, punch-punch) I see him, Pancho! And now it is time to show these hombres that the Cisco Kid means exactly what he says! A furious finish, with more chatter, punches, and broken chairs, and the final sound of a badman taking a fall. These fights today are hilarious, like a B-movie western in which the hero never loses his hat."