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"Don't shoot," Tom cautioned again. "That brave in the lead has a crooked lance with a white flag. Whatever it is they're wantin', it ain't a fight. You speak any Comanch'?" "Not a word," Henry replied. "I don't know much. If they do a lot of tradin', they can probably talk English, but if they don't--all we can do is hope my Injun will get us by." Tom spat a glob of chew onto Rachel's bleached floor. Then he bellowed, "What do you want?" Loretta's nerves were strung so taut, she leaped. Nausea surged into her throat as the brown tobacco juice soaked into the floor. Was she losing her mind? Who cared if the puncheon got stained? Before this was over, the house might be burned to the ground. She heard Rachel crying, a soft, irregular whimpering. The metallic taste of it shriveled her tongue. "What brings you here?" Tom cried again. " " a deep voice called back. "We come as friends, White-Eyes." The lead warrior moved some twenty feet in front of his comrades, holding the crooked lance high so the dusty white rag was clearly visible. He sat proudly on his black stallion, gleaming brown shoulders straight, leather-sheathed legs pressed snugly to his mount. A rush of wind lifted his mahogany hair, wisping it across his bronzed, sharply chiseled face. Loretta's first thought when she saw him was that he seemed different from the others. A closer look told her why. He was unquestionably a half-breed, taller on horseback than the rest, lighter-skinned. If not for his sun-darkened complexion and long hair, he might have passed for a white man. Everything else about him was savage, though, from the cruel sneer on his mouth to the expert way he balanced on his horse, as if he and the animal were one entity. Tom Weaver stiffened. "Son of a--Henry, you know who that is?" "I was hopin' I was wrong." Loretta inched closer to get a better look. Then it hit her. She had heard his name whispered with dread, heard tales. But until this moment she hadn't believed he existed. A blue-eyed half-breed, one of the most cunning and treacherous adversaries the U.S. Army had run across. Now that the war had pitted North against South, the homesteaders had no cavalry to keep Hunter and his marauders at bay, and his raiders struck ever deeper into settled country, advancing east. Some claimed he was far more dangerous than a full-blooded Comanche because he had a white man's intelligence. As vicious as he was, there were stories that he spared women and children. Whether that was coincidence, design, or a lie some Indian lover had dreamed up, no one knew. Loretta opted for the latter."