"the world is much stranger than we know or can say. And I know how you think, or how you like to think, but maybe this is one instance where you can't boil down to pure 'good' or pure 'bad' like you always want to do--? Like, your two different piles? Bad over here, good over here? Maybe not quite so simple. Because--all the way driving here, driving all night, Christmas lights on the motorway and I'm not ashamed to tell you, I got choked up--because I was thinking, couldn't help it, about the Bible story--? you know, where the steward steals the widow's mite, but then the steward flees to far country and invests the mite wisely and brings back thousandfold cash to widow he stole from? And with joy she forgave him, and they killed the fatted calf, and made merry?" "I think that's maybe not all the same story."