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"The old enchantment had gone. She saw him as she had never seen him before - as her clan had always seen him. A handsome fellow, who thought every girl who looked at him fell in love with him; shallow, selfish. Was this what she had supposed she loved? Love! She had known nothing about it till this very moment, when she realised that it was Roger she loved. Roger who was a man! This Noel was only a boy. And he would never be anything but a boy, if he lived to be a hundred - with a boy's fickle heart, a boy's vanity, a boy's emptiness. She had fancied herself in love with him once - fancied herself heartbroken when he jilted her - and now - "Why, it's all ancient history,' she thought in amazement. As soon as she could speak she told Noel to run away. Her voice still shook and Noel thought she was still laughing at him. He went off in high dudgeon. It was a new and very wholesome experience for Noel Gibson to be laughed at. It did him no end of good. He was never quite so self-assured again."