Jews have become the smartest weakest people in the history of the world. Look, I'm not always right. I realize that. But I'm always strong. And if our history has taught us anything, it's that it's more important to be strong than right. Or good, for that matter. I would rather be alive and wrong and evil. I don't need Bishop Wears-a-Tutu, or that hydrocephalic peanut farmer president, or the backseat-driving pseudo-sociologist eunichs from the New York Times op-ed page, or anyone, to give me their blessing. I don't need to be a Light unto the Nations; I need to not be on fire. Life is long when you're alive, and history has a short memory. America had its way with the Indians. Australia and Germany and Spain ... They did what had to be done. And what was the big deal? Their history books have a few regrettable pages? They have to issue weak-tea apologies once a year and pay out some reparations to the unfinished parts of the job? They did what had to be done, and life went on.