"Here's another thing--I can't get any cell phone reception here. I should let my family know I'm here safely. More or less." "The pines are too tall, the mountains too steep. Use the land line--and don't worry about the long distance cost. You have to be in touch with your family. Who is your family?" "Just an older married sister in Colorado Springs. She and her husband put up a collective and huge fuss about this--as if I was going into the Peace Corps or something. I should've listened." "There will be a lot of people around here glad you didn't," he said. "I'm stubborn that way." He smiled appreciatively. It made her instantly think, Don't get any ideas, buster. I'm married to someone. Just because he isn't here, doesn't mean it's over. However, there was something about a guy--at least six foot two and two hundred pounds of rock-hard muscle--holding a newborn with gentle deftness and skill. Then she saw him lower his lips to the baby's head and inhale her scent, and some of the ice around Mel's broken heart started to melt. "I'm going into Eureka today for supplies," he said. "Need anything?" "Disposable diapers. Newborn. And since you know everyone, could you ask around if anyone can help out with the baby? Either full-time, part-time, whatever. It would be better for her to be in a family home than here at Doc's with me." "Besides," he said, "you want to get out of here." "I'll help out with the baby for a couple of days, but I don't want to stretch it out. I can't stay here, Jack." "I'll ask around," he said. And decided he might just forget to do that. Because, yes, she could. *"