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"The Director's Chair is with Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, etc.), and Robert refers later to this quote from Francis: "Failure is not necessarily durable. Remember that the things that they fire you for when you are young are the same things that they give lifetime achievement awards for when you're old." ROBERT: "Even if I didn't sell Mariachi, I would have learned so much by doing that project. That was the idea--I'm there to learn. I'm not there to win; I'm there to learn, because then I'll win, eventually. . . . "You've got to be able to look at your failures and know that there's a key to success in every failure. If you look through the ashes long enough, you'll find something. I'll give you one. Quentin [Tarantino] asked me, 'Do you want to do one of these short films called Four Rooms [where each director can create the film of their choosing, but it has to be limited to a single hotel room, and include New Year's Eve and a bellhop]?' and my hand went up right away, instinctively. . . . "The movie bombed. In the ashes of that failure, I can find at least two keys of success. On the set when I was doing it, I had cast Antonio Banderas as the dad and had this cool little Mexican as his son. They looked really close together. Then I found the best actress I could find, this little half-Asian girl. She was amazing. I needed an Asian mom. I really wanted them to look like a family. It's New Year's Eve, because [it] was dictated by the script, so they're all dressed in tuxedos. I was looking at Antonio and his Asian wife and thinking, 'Wow, they look like this really cool, international spy couple. What if they were spies, and these two little kids, who can barely tie their shoes, didn't know they were spies?' I thought of that on the set of Four Rooms. There are four of those [Spy Kids movies] now and a TV series coming. "So that's one. The other one was, after [Four Rooms] failed, I thought, 'I still love short films.' Anthologies never work. We shouldn't have had four stories; it should have been three stories because that's probably three acts, and it should just be the same director instead of different directors because we didn't know what each person was doing. I'm going to try it again. Why on earth would I try it again, if I knew they didn't work? Because you figured something out when you're doing it the first time, and [the second attempt] was Sin City." TIM: "Amazing."