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"In the Norte Chico, in other words, Homo sapiens experienced a phenomenon that at that time had occurred only once before, in Mesopotamia: the emergence, for better or worse, of leaders with enough prestige, influence, and hierarchical position to induce their subjects to perform heavy labor. It was humankind's second experiment with government. "Where does government come from?" Haas asked. "What makes people decide to surrender some of their personal liberty to it? What did they gain from it? Philosophers have been asking this question for centuries. But archaeology should have something to contribute. In the Norte Chico, we may be able to provide some answers. It's one of only two places on earth--three, if you count Mesoamerica--where government was an invention. Everywhere else it was inherited or borrowed. People were born into societies with governments or saw their neighbors' governments and copied the idea. Here, people came up with it themselves."