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"I have a surprise for you," the Beast had said, in his usual brusque tone. Belle had just come in from feeding her horse, Philippe, and was standing by the kitchen's back door, shaking snow from her cloak. She'd taken one look at him - at the scowl on his face, at his clenched paws, at his awkward stance - and said, "No, thank you." The Beast had blinked, taken aback by her refusal. His scowl had deepened. "I , I have a surprise for you!" "And I heard you," Belle had replied, "but I've had enough surprises to last me a lifetime. Including cold, dark cells, packs of wolves, and tantrums." "Tantrums? " the Beast had sputtered. "I can't believe ... How can you say ... That a And it wasn't fault! I told you not to go to the West Wing. I told you -" Belle had given him a sidelong look. "You're right. What was I thinking? You'd throw a tantrum. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to hang up my cloak."