"You're so bright, Trav, and so intuitive about people. And you have ... the gift of tenderness. And sympathy. You could be almost anything." "Of course!" I said, springing to my feet and beginning to pace back and forth through the lounge. "Why didn't I think of that! Here I am, wasting the golden years on this lousy barge, getting all mixed up with lame-duck women when I could be out there seeking and striving. Who am I to keep from putting my shoulder to the wheel? Why am I not thinking about an estate and how to protect it? Gad, woman, I could be writing a million dollars a year in life insurance. I should be pulling a big oar in the flagship of life. Maybe it isn't too late yet! Find the little woman, and go for the whole bit. Kiwanis, P.T.A., fund drives, cookouts, a clean desk, and vote the straight ticket, yessiree bob. Then when I become a senior citizen, I can look back upon ..." I stopped when I heard the small sound she was making. She sat with her head bowed. I went over and put my fingertips under her chin. I tilted her head up and looked down into her streaming eyes. "Please, don't," she whispered. "You're beginning to bring out the worst in me, woman." "It was none of my business." "I will not dispute you." "But ... who did this to you?" "I'll never know you well enough to try to tell you, Lois." She tried to smile. "I guess it can't be any plainer than that." "And I'm not a tragic figure, no matter how hard you try to make me into one. I'm delighted with myself, woman." "And you wouldn't say it that way if you were." "Spare me the cute insights."