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"I can't hear you, people! Make some noise if you want a good show. How about death? Do you wanna see lots and lots of death tonight?" I took in the applause, the hollering, the hammering feet, basking in it. Then my arm shot up, pointing one finger to the ceiling. The guard-tower window exploded. A man plummeted from the tower, slamming on the concrete floor behind me with a splat like someone stomping on a tomato. He'd been torn open from throat to groin, his chest a ragged ruin of splintered, wrenched-back ribs and mangled organs. His dead eyes were still open, jaw wrenched wide in terror. Then came the rain. The second sniper, one piece at a time. Hands. Feet. Arms, wrenched off at the elbows. His severed head bounced like a basketball as it hit the concrete, rolling across the floor and coming to a stop next to Warden Lancaster's Italian leather shoe. A horrified silence fell across the room. The guards looked at one another, uncertain, hands on their guns but not sure if they should draw. Lancaster stared down at the severed head, frozen like a deer in the headlights. "Well," I said, "you're about to get everything you asked for. What do you think, Warden? Is this good and messy enough for you? Wouldn't want you to think I 'pussied out' again." His gaze snapped toward me. He took a halting step back, away from the carnage. "How? How did you--" A third body dove from the shattered window. Not in a guard's uniform, but a billowing white leather coat. She landed as graceful as a raptor, absorbing the impact with one knee and the outstretched fingers of a single hand, and slowly rose to her full willowy height. Her eyes blazed like molten copper, as radiant as her twist of scarlet hair. "If anyone in this room believes themselves to be a righteous soul," Caitlin said, "I suggest you kneel down and pray. If nobody answers...then you belong to me."