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"Dear friends and enemies, Season's greetings! It's me, Serge! Don't you just hate these form letters people stuff in Christmas cards? Nothing screams "you're close to my heart" like a once-a-year Xerox. Plus, all the lame jazz that's going on in their lives. "Had a great time in Memphis." "Bobby lost his retainer down a storm drain." "I think the neighbors are dealing drugs." But this letter is different. You are special to me. I'm just forced to use a copy machine and gloves because of advancements in forensics. I love those TV shows! Has a whole year already flown by? Much to report! Let's get to it! Number one: I ended a war. You guessed correct, the War on Christmas! When I first heard about it, I said to Coleman, "That's just not right! We must enlist!" I rushed to the front lines, running downtown yelling "Merry Christmas" at everyone I saw. And they're all saying "Merry Christmas" back. Hmmm. That's odd: Nobody's stopping us from saying "Merry Christmas." Then I did some research, and it turns out the real war is against people saying "Happy holidays." The nerve: trying to be inclusive. So, everyone ... Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Good times! Soul Train! Purple mountain majesties! The Pompatus of Love! There. War over. And just before it became a quagmire. Next: Decline of Florida Roundup. --They tore down the Big Bamboo Lounge near Orlando. Where was everybody on that one? --Remember the old "Big Daddy's" lounges around Florida with the logo of that bearded guy? They're now Flannery's or something. --They closed 20,000 Leagues. And opened Buzz Lightyear. I offered to bring my own submarine. Okay, actually threatened, but they only wanted to discuss it in the security office. I've been doing a lot of running lately at theme parks. --Here's a warm-and-fuzzy. Anyone who grew up down here knows this one, and everyone else won't have any idea what I'm talking about: that schoolyard rumor of the girl bitten by a rattlesnake on the Steeplechase at Pirate's World (now condos). I've started dropping it into all conversations with mixed results. --In John Mellencamp's megahit "Pink Houses," the guy compliments his wife's beauty by saying her face could "stop a clock." Doesn't that mean she was butt ugly? Nothing to do with Florida. Just been bugging me. Good news alert! I've decided to become a children's author! Instilling state pride in the youngest residents may be the only way to save the future. The book's almost finished. I've only completed the first page, but the rest just flows after that. It's called Shrimp Boat Surprise. Coleman asked what the title meant, and I said life is like sailing on one big, happy shrimp boat. He asked what the surprise was, and I said you grow up and learn that life bones you up the ass ten ways to Tuesday. He started reading and asked if a children's book should have the word "motherfucker" eight times on the first page. I say, absolutely. They're little kids, after all. If you want a lesson to stick, you have to hammer it home through repetition...In advance: Happy New Year! (Unlike 2008--ouch!)"