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3be0563 We love America just as much as they do. But in a different way. You see, they love America like a 4-year-old loves his mommy. Liberals love America like grown-ups. To a 4-year-old, everything Mommy does is wonderful and anyone who criticizes Mommy is bad. Grown-up love means actually understanding what you love, taking the good with the bad and helping your loved one grow. patriotism Al Franken
d325764 When the president during the campaign politics nation-building foreign-policy bush usa iraq Al Franken
39660e2 They tell you in this country that you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. And we all believe that. But first you've got to have the boots. And the federal government gave Franni's family the boots. Al Franken
3591133 I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz. Al Franken
9bbdaff The problem with Ted isn't that he's humorless. It isn't even his truly reprehensible far-right politics. No, the problem with Ted--and the reason so many senators have a problem with Ted--is simply that he is an absolutely toxic coworker. He's the guy in your office who snitches to corporate about your March Madness pool and microwaves fish in the office kitchen. He is the Dwight Schrute of the Senate. In Al Franken
b57e1ff Virtually everyone in the world believes that climate change is real and is caused by human beings, except Republicans in the United States. Especially the people who would know best: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity, and I suspect the other 3 percent are being paid by the fossil fuel industry"." Al Franken
df8eb03 It was almost as if the incoming commander-in-chief had some sort of mental health problem. The kind of mental health problem that you would be disturbed to discover in your kid's piano teacher, let alone the president of the United States of America Al Franken
e5628e9 When Bootsie was old enough to go to high school, Fran got herself a $300 GI loan to enroll at the University of Maine. She got three more loans and graduated with a teaching degree. Because she taught Title I kids--poor kids--all her loans were forgiven. Every member of Franni's family made it to the middle class. And they did it because of Social Security, Pell Grants, the GI Bill, and Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.. Al Franken
45b96f0 But I really think that if we don't start caring about whether people tell the truth or not, it's going to be literally impossible to restore anything approaching a reasonable political discourse. Politicians have always shaded the truth. But if you can say something that is provably false, and no one cares, then you can't have a real debate about anything. I Al Franken
49f9fc6 When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, my parents, like the rest of America, were terrified. The Soviets had nuclear weapons and now were ahead of us in space. So my parents marched me and Owen into our living room, sat us down, and said, " You boys are going to study math and Science so we can beat the Soviets!" I thought that was a lot of pressure to put on a six-year old. But own and I were obedient sons, so we studied math and .. Al Franken
51387b8 But now we seem to have entered an era where getting caught lying openly and shamelessly, lying in a manner that insults the intelligence of both your friends and foes, lying about lying, and lying for the sake of lying have all lost their power to damage a politician. In fact, the "Trump Effect" yields the opposite result: Trump supporters seem to approve of the fact that he lies constantly, including to them." Al Franken
1319230 My point is, the Senate is filled not just with lawyers, but with old white men. Al Franken
1602b3c I don't know why dishonesty has always gotten under my skin. My parents taught me to tell the truth, but come on, whose parents didn't? Well, okay, maybe Trump's. The point is, I don't know where exactly my particular obsession with lies and lying liars came from. And I admit, it's a little weird. Part of it may be that I've always been an incredibly literal person. Al Franken
40c5511 In the foreseeable future, I will be a dead person. I want to remind you that dead people are people too. There are good dead people and bad dead people. Some of my best friends are dead people. Dead people have fought in every war." Then" Al Franken
6df3578 I know I'm sort of farting into the wind on this. But I hope you'll fart along with me. I've always believed that it's possible to discern true statements from false statements, and that it's critically important to do so, and that we put our entire democratic experiment in peril when we don't. It's a lesson I fear our nation is about to learn the hard way. That's Al Franken
e3834ed That's how things are supposed to work. If you are privileged enough to have a job as a lawmaker, part of your job is to make laws. And if you don't like the way a law is working, your job is to help make it work better. But Al Franken
ac07cce The Democratic Senator's Serenity Prayer God Grant Me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Legislate The Courage to Legislate the Things I Can The Wisdom to Know the Difference And the Patience to Explain That Difference to My Donors Al Franken
56f5c19 Former Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank once said, "I only voted once for someone who believes in 100 percent of what I believe. And that's when I voted for myself--the first time." Al Franken
6854b6b I watched Harry closely as he read the joke and then... burst out laughing. In fact, he started shaking with laughter. It was a surreal moment, sitting nervously with my consultants, watching Harry Reid convulse in hysterics over the idea of Anne Frank playing drums in the attic. Finally, he turned to me. I just shrugged. Al Franken
2d642ed Virtually everyone in the world believes that climate change is real and is caused by human beings, except Republicans in the United States. Al Franken
c72876e I'm not going to write stuff like, "Mitch McConnell and I may disagree, but when we're off the clock, we're the best of friends--sometimes we go to dinner and Mitch will laugh so hard that milk shoots out of his nose." No, I'm not going to be writing cliches like that. Instead," Al Franken
ea31730 Campaign contributions don't buy votes. What they buy is access. Al Franken
6f424d8 Today's Congress is a polarized, dysfunctional body, rendered helpless by partisanship, more focused on scoring short-term political points than on solving our nation's urgent problems. In short, the Washington of the past decade has been awash in nincompoopery.USS* And that was before Trump. Al Franken
20311c0 As the polls began closing in the East, with states like New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Virginia going for Barack Obama, it was quickly becoming clear that this would be an especially bad night for racists all across the country. Al Franken
f447d23 No whining on the yacht. Al Franken
be90d18 I know this seems quaint, but back in 2008, Republicans did not consider "demeaning and degrading women" to be senatorial, let alone presidential." Al Franken
eede534 If we don't start caring about whether people tell the truth or not, it's going to be literally impossible to restore anything approaching reasonable political discourse. politics Al Franken
9dda441 Franni knew I loved these tours, but one year she said to me in frustration, "You don't see Bill O'Reilly going on USO tours." "That's not fair, honey," I said. "He has no talent." Al Franken
8ef2bc6 The people of Minnesota value a politician who believes what he says and says what he believes and votes that way. Al Franken
3ebad61 Having children is life's greatest joy. But there are some people, and maybe you are one of them, who don't like kids, and consider travel life's greatest joy. You shouldn't have kids. Don't have them. Al Franken
cd8f78f Politics is not just about power and money games, politics can be about the improvement of people's lives, about lessening human suffering in our world and bringing about more peace and more justice. -Paul Wellstone (Minnesota Senator, Al Franken predecessor) politics senate improvement Al Franken
339fdf8 What I do is taking what they say and using it against them. What I do is jujitsu. Al Franken