ACIM states that you will be appalled when you realize what you are truly here for (T-17.V.5:6). You thought you were here to get stuff, prove yourself, and find people to love you. Instead you are here get peace, be yourself, and find people to love. You thought you were here to fix the world. Instead you are here to appreciate what is before you and see the world through new eyes.
Alan Cohen |
There are two ways to turn devils into angels: First, acknowledge things about them that you genuinely appreciate. Uncle Morty took you to the beach when you were a kid. Your mom still sends you money on your birthday. Your ex-wife is a good mother to your children. There must be something you sincerely appreciate about this person. Shift your attention from the mean and nasty things they have said or done to the kind and helpful things the..
Alan Cohen |
Struggle is not an act; it is an attitude. If we believe that we must fight to get what we want, we will toil over everything we do. If we recognize, however, that the universe works more efficiently for us when we approach it with ease, life will serve us in miraculous ways.
Alan Cohen |
The Tao, which is the Force, is fully present, alive, and unassailable by the illusions that cloud our vision as we plod through a world of shadows and distortions.
Alan Cohen |
You should look within for your answers. Your life is not determined by the stars. It is determined by your state of mind and the choices you make. Regardless of how the stars are configured, you are in charge of your journey. Make healthy choices, and even if adversity comes, the Tao will show you how to use it for your benefit.
Alan Cohen |
If we allowed ourselves to face and feel the pain in our lives, it would serve its function to get our attention to recognize that we have stepped away from the Tao and we need to get back on course. It is said, "Love how much you hate it." If you are doing something you find repulsive, or you have had a bad experience, use your disgust as a motivator to change direction. When you are sick of it enough you will do something about it. A Cour..
Alan Cohen |
Eventually each of us comes to the point where we realize that how we were taught to live is not the way we were born to live. Mega-successful British playwright Tom Stoppard wrote, "It's the best possible time to be alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong!" At a crucial instant each of us starts trusting our inner guidance more than others' opinions or directives. Facing this crossroad can be frightening, as it may call..
Alan Cohen |
A sign in a pottery store in England announced, "Please let us know if you break any item, so we can forgive you."
Alan Cohen |
Our culture has more to gain from inner stillness than incessant pushing.
Alan Cohen |
All your past except its beauty is gone, and nothing is left but a blessing.
Alan Cohen |
newspaper ads for lost pets and earthquakes that soon follow. Other studies indicate a higher rate of last-minute cancellations for airplane flights that crash. While we may be tempted to look outside ourselves for advice, we are all quite brilliant and know a lot more about our path and destiny than we recognize.
Alan Cohen |
Alan Cohen |
Any problem you recognize represents but a tiny blip on the radar screen of your well-being. Even while you are experiencing a difficulty, homeostasis is working on your behalf to return you to perfect balance. Your role is simply to relax and allow nature to take its healing course.
Alan Cohen |
If you fear looking at your true self, you'll find many ways to distract yourself from it. Busyness, drama, and addictions are ways of avoiding facing yourself. To find the peace you seek, stop running and just he. Get to know who you really are. Remember the wholeness you felt before you joined the rush to nowhere. Then you'll recognize yourself through the eyes of love, and everything will be different.
Alan Cohen |
Does this bring more joy into the world, or does it diminish joy in the world?
Alan Cohen |
My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today Have but one purpose; to be given Christ To use to bless the world with miracles. -- W, LESSON 353
Alan Cohen |
A man's story is worth telling only if the truth he discovers is greater than the pain that led him to seek it.
Alan Cohen |
Grace is the state of being in which we are loved unconditionally and all that we need is provided for us by the benevolent hand of God.
Alan Cohen |
The images we impress upon our mind, especially when accompanied by emotion, yield the same experience whether they are true or fictional.
Alan Cohen |
The list of ways that others bother us is endless.
Alan Cohen |
We are all smart enough to do what we value doing. We find the time, money, and means to achieve what is important to us. We are not motivated to do the things that other people tell us we should do or we should want to do.
Alan Cohen |
Forced change is not true change;
Alan Cohen |
When you are excited about reaching a goal, you are connected to the source of life. Many people judge or dismiss passion as being self-indulgent, but authentic passion moves us to fulfill our soul's mission, attract abundance and success, and serve humanity.
Alan Cohen |
Sometimes you can change the environment. Always you can change your mind. If you can change your environment from a sense of positive vision, you will succeed. Remember to work toward what you want rather than against what you resist.
Alan Cohen |
Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. --HOWARD THURMAN
Alan Cohen |
Give yourself space to be what you are. Give others space to be what they are. Then everything will make itself clear.
Alan Cohen |
You cannot afford to allow your happiness to depend on any external situation. You must find the source of your happiness within you. Then nothing in the outside world will be able to remove your peace.
Alan Cohen |
It takes courage to leave behind the world you have been taught is so important, and instead claim what is right for you. Ultimately we must, as Walt Whitman urged, "Dismiss whatever insults your soul."
Alan Cohen |
The world has drifted unspeakably far from its origin and intention, and is not a worthy guide to what is right, true, and healing.
Alan Cohen |
Take the smallest step into a new room, and you will gain entree to vast worlds you could not see when you clung to the familiar. Acknowledge who you are and how you want to live, and the doors to your destiny will swing open before you.
Alan Cohen |
Likewise, in many relationships there is a period of ripeness during which we connect and uplift each other's lives. When that phase is complete, it is time to move on. Attempting to hold on will only create frustration and delay the next golden intersection. As much as we would like to hold on to sweet situations forever, we must let go when they have run their course. This is the way of the Tao. Lest you grow wistful because golden inters..
Alan Cohen |
self-mastery is the goal of life, and controlling, bullying, or needing to fix others is a distraction from our true purpose.
Alan Cohen |
I think that what you are most passionate about is the strongest magnet to bring you reward on many levels." When we release what was, then what is or what could be has space to be born. Children are the happiest people on the planet because they are not dragging the baggage of a long heavy past around with them. If they trip and fall or get upset, they get over it quickly. Nor are they pondering or planning what comes next. The now moment ..
Alan Cohen |
Be grateful, then, that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, or fed up with what is not feeding you. Toleration of dysfunction only keeps it in force. Refuse to put up with what is not working, and you will find your way to your perfect place in the Great Design.
Alan Cohen |
Eventually each of us comes to the point where we realize that how we were taught to live is not the way we were born to live. Mega-successful British playwright Tom Stoppard wrote, "It's the best possible time to be alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong!" At a crucial instant each of us starts trusting our inner guidance more than others' opinions or directives. Facing this crossroad can be frightening, as it may call..
Alan Cohen |
When you express your true delight, you make the world a better place.
Alan Cohen |
Your happiness is more of a blessing than your pain.
Alan Cohen |
Lighten up and do what makes you happy.
Alan Cohen |
The Tao does not separate, but enfolds.
Alan Cohen |
Soul reward is the key element of a Tao-based job.
Alan Cohen |
Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you. --AUTHOR UNKNOWN
Alan Cohen |
What comes of itself, let it come. What goes of itself, let it go.
Alan Cohen |
The human psyche is a strange creation. We believe that the known is always preferable to the unknown, even if the known sucks.
Alan Cohen |
Man's [or woman's] rejection is God's protection.
Alan Cohen |