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4a7cbc6 A woman with opinions had better develop a thick skin and a loud voice. Anya Seton
01267b4 Nay, it's not the Devil been leading her astray. It's books! That girl has been nothing but trouble ever since she learned how to read. Anya Seton
b8fab35 Truth is naturally universal...and shines into many different windows, though many are clouded. Anya Seton
f6d6c4e Her lips were drawn to his like a moth to a flame. Anya Seton
264c698 I only know that from wherever it is that we're going there can be no turning back Anya Seton
affad16 I am sure that no man asks mercy and grace with true meaning, but if mercy and grace have first been given him. Anya Seton
03bb7b7 Presently comfort came to him, and he thought the she had always given him of her strength though he had never quite realised it until now. Glory had passed him by; fame too perhaps would not endure; it might well be that the incalculable goddess would decree ill fame as his due. Perhaps there might not be included in his epitah the one tribute to his knighthood the he knew he deserved "Ii fut toujours bon et loyal chevalier" (He was always.. Anya Seton
e382e16 He was all sin and mystery, and Miranda feared the pleasures he offered as she feared the fires of hell. Yet when she succumbed at last, it was not because her body was weak but because her mind was curious. Anya Seton
74e4825 Elizabeth squirmed on the hard wooden bench, and tried to ignore both her sore backside and her rumbling stomach. Why did the minister's sermons last so long? And why did the talk of sin always give her such a hearty appetite? Anya Seton
0ac0120 He wasn't strong. He was weak. The weakest thing in the world. A man who lives only for himself Anya Seton
8ea203b Miranda looked up at him through a haze of desire, her will consumed by a fierce crackling heat, just like the dry twigs of the old woman's fire. witchcraft Anya Seton
5282241 Yes," Nicholas replied, in a bored voice. "The name is Dutch. Dragonwyck, meaning place of the dragon. It derives from an Indian legend about a flying serpent whose eyes were fire and whose flaming breath withered the corn." "Heavens!" With a light laugh, Miranda asked her new employer if the red men had sent forth a champion to do battle with the dragon. The patroon's face was dark, unsmiling. "To appease him the wise men of the tribe sac.. Anya Seton
7cbb4d8 If I should never see him again--she thought, Blessed Mother, how could I live, and yet it was the fear of seeing him again which had driven her to this desperate haste. The fear that if he were there so near her she Anya Seton
9b88290 I have of sorrow so great wound That joy get I never none, Now that I see my lady bright, That I have loved with all my might, Is from me dead, and is agone. Alas, Death, what aileth thee, That thou should'st not have taken me, When thou took my lady sweet, That was so fair, so fresh, so free, So good, that men may well say Of all goodness she had no meet! Right on this same, as I have said Was wholly all my love laid For certes she was, .. Anya Seton
06e10a5 The house of fame, he thought, is built on melting ice, not steel, and rumbles ever with a sound of rumors, while the goddess of fame is as false and capricious as her sister--Fortune. Anya Seton
ad23484 Her body consented willingly to all that her soul found most abhorrent. As Nicholas had promised, there was a hellish delight in knowing she was damned. Anya Seton
c5c52fe There was no such thing as pure happiness. How many years it took to learn that! Always some dark fretted thing which unbalanced the ease one had laboriously found. Anya Seton
daceb64 Elizabeth knew it was a fast day, but the rumbling in her belly was harder to ignore than the grumbling of the preacher. puritanism Anya Seton
10f1ef9 The knights were disgusted. They said that all that fiddle-faddle was well enough for saints, or might have been a thousand years ago, but the Lord Jesus would certainly be the first to command Christians to kill pagans. Rumon announced that he did not think so. Anya Seton
113bc06 in that hushed hour between midnight and dawn when Morpheus' sable hands touch the rosy finger tips of Aurora and even the fairies are slumbering on their flowery couches, Anya Seton
7819d55 Mistress Allen was only an ordinary provincial manor lady, bent on nothing more sinister than retrieving money of which she felt defrauded, and in the process either quarreling with or using people. Anya Seton
9a04213 Miranda was shocked to hear Nicholas speak of slavery in glowing terms, as an efficient agricultural system. This wasn't the South! Yet as she surveyed her employer's strong dark profile in secret from beneath her long lashes, she was forced to conclude that the role of master suited Nicholas Van Ryn perfectly. Even when she closed her eyes, the impression of cruelty and power remained. But it was herself she saw as the darky slave, strippe.. Anya Seton
03eaf98 Bir kalbin var." dedi bir ic cekisle. "Benimki soldu ve oldu." Anya Seton
e47f4d8 Look, bimba--In my country we have a--how you say?--a proverb. Amare, cantare, mangiare.--Loving, singing, eating--these are God's three gifts. You don' need more. Anya Seton
11f1998 The new Queen was adept at fostering loyalty by hopes alone Anya Seton
83d0efc I guess every disaster, every tragedy in the world, my lad, is caused by someone's selfishness and refusal to recognize the rights of others. Anya Seton
96aaae3 God's will usually seemed to coincide with her father's, and against this partnership there was no hope of appeal. Anya Seton
8f23275 In jewels and brocades and a whirl of musk, Alice flounced triumphantly out of her chariot, her three little dogs frisking and barking after her. She raised her thickly painted face to the Duke. Anya Seton
9db117f you're in my blood, in my bones, and in my heart there is naught but you. Anya Seton
fcc97df Wat was a man of action, and his mind darted to practical matters. Anya Seton
0a95111 all cruelty and passion must burn away at last to leave behind them only pity. Anya Seton
b47f4d4 She had not, as yet, enough introspection to realize that part of his fascination for her had arisen from his unpredictability, and her conception of him as a mysterious being from a superior world who had miraculously condescended to desire her. Nor did she realize how tightly she was enmeshed by his physical attraction, a bondage woven not only from the magnetism of his body but from the very fear and pain he caused her Anya Seton
aaadc90 How can he be so cruel to me at times--and then like this? she thought. And again her awakening perceptions gave her the answer. He would hurt her himself, take pleasure in doing so, but he would not allow her to be injured by anyone or anything else Anya Seton
ef08431 Cease, daughter!" said the priest at last in a trembling voice. "I cannot grant absolution, no priest could..." historical-fiction religion Anya Seton
4b43e5b Nas Gospodin nije rekao da necemo biti izlozeni olujama i jadima, ili da necemo dozivljavati nesrece, nego je rekao: Sve to nece te nadjacati! Anya Seton
ef3fcbb The house of fame, he thought, is built on melting ice, not steel... Anya Seton
25fb4cc And the night shall be filled with music, And the cares that infest the day Shall fold their tents like the Arabs, And as silently steal away. Anya Seton
a758f9d You've read some of my stuff?" he asked eagerly, adding with bitterness, " 'The Raven,' I suppose. Such fame as I have appears to rest entirely on the plumage of that gloomy bird." Anya Seton
ece0d68 There's a fire been lit that's not so easy to put out, Anya Seton
611a01e My lord - the Duke of Lancaster does not wed his paramour, and one of common stock - how could the King countenance this?" "Well, he has," said John dryly. Richard at present would countenance far more than that to please his eldest uncle and annoy his youngest one." Anya Seton
2b082d5 Twas the moment deep When we are conscious of the secret dawn Amid the darkness that we feel is green . . . Thy face remembered is from other worlds, It has been died for, though I know not when, It has been sung of, though I know not where . . . She Anya Seton
735cffe there was a man and a woman who came together naked and unashamed, proudly bestowing on each other the beauty of their bodies and thereby finding ineffable joy. Anya Seton
3462af8 though she seemed made for the pleasures of the flesh, there yet was a sense of spiritual striving about her, and a healthiness of mind and body which pleased him who spent so much of his time with the Anya Seton
ddfe902 If no love is, ah God, what feel I so? Anya Seton