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21e87db This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence. violence vyvyan Ben Elton
99d9eec The internet was supposed to liberate knowledge, but in fact it buried it, first under a vast sewer of ignorance, laziness, bigotry, superstition and filth and then beneath the cloak of political surveillance. Now...cyberspace exists exclusively to promote commerce, gossip and pornography. And of course to hunt down sedition. Only paper is safe. Books are the key. A book cannot be accessed from afar, you have to hold it, you have to read it.. luddites technophobes Ben Elton
bd66fd9 No!" Jimmy protested." Ben Elton
6ca3870 You think I look like a teletubby? Ben Elton
2d94f53 Artists don't create society, they reflect it Ben Elton
ba5467d Beyond love, beyond unrequited love, perhaps even beyond any other passion known to humanity, deep, deep in the depths of the turgid, clinging, swamplike pit of despair that lies dormant within every soul, lurks JEALOUSY. Jealousy, that most demeaning and debilitating of emotions. Jealousy, which can double the strength of the love upon which it is based, but whilst doubling it, warp and pervert it, untill it is no longer recognizable as th.. Ben Elton
be7ecbe You didn't wake up, your dreams just changed gear. Ben Elton
9a94964 Books are the key. A book cannot be accessed from afar. You have to hold it, you have to read it. Ben Elton
cec179c Kingsley watched her disappear from the room, wondering if his heart would break. Logic informed him that of course it would not. The heart was no more than a muscle, a pump which distributed blood about the body; it had nothing whatsoever to do with a man's emotions. But if that was the case, why did it ache so? Ben Elton
be3647c People in that crowd want to make poverty history, but NOT if they have to pay for it themselves poverty ben elton
e2f3bc7 People had got used to the planet dying. They didn't care anymore, it had been lingering on for too long. The Earth was like some aged and slightly disgusting relative that just got sicker and sicker and yet refused to die. Requiring more and more attention, growing bigger tumours, bursting nastier sores and soiling its sheets ever more often. An embarrassment and an inconvenience, a constant reminder of family guilt. Ben Elton
243d764 When the phone rings at 2.15am in the morning it's unlikely to be heralding something pleasant. What chance is there of its being good news? None. Only someone bad would ring at such an hour. Or someone with bad news. phone Ben Elton
2251afb To positively discriminate in favour of groups that have been negatively discriminated against in the past. past Ben Elton
11435ba The worst thing about being a great power is when you're not one any more. It takes centuries to get over it. Ben Elton
635cfd9 Any closer would unravel her mystery, the very thing which made her so truly beautiful...It was her mystery that he adored. He was in love with everything that he did not know about her... No real sexual encounter could ever match the secret one that he could nurture in his imagination... No living flesh could ever be the erotic equal of flesh kept private, untouchable and unknowable Ben Elton
d6f11c2 And through all that dreadful darkness she had remembered him. He who loved her. He who still loved her. Who would always love her. Ben Elton
b0b63b0 We've just lost our way, that's all. But what if you could give us a chance to do better? Just one chance? One single move in the great game of history? What's your best shot? What would you consider to be the greatest mistake in world history and, more to the point, what single thing would you do to prevent it? Ben Elton
8460faf The reactionary point of view was always so easy to put, the complex, radical argument always so easy to put down. reactionary progressive Ben Elton
b533911 New York will always seem more real than anything Britain has to offer. It is strange that, although the majority of British people have never seen a skate-boarding body-popper, an exploding fire-hydrant, or anybody dunk a doughnut, these things seem infinitely more immediate and happening images than that jar of Horlicks which has stood in the cupboard for 40 years horlicks Ben Elton
51fb463 You're mugging old ladies every bit as much if you pinch their pension fund mugging pension Ben Elton
ccd3962 A society sufficiently sophisticated to produce the internal combustion engine has not had the sophistication to develop cheap and efficient public transport?' 'Yes, boss... it's true. There's hardly any buses, the trains are hopelessly underfunded, and hence the entire population is stuck in traffic transport Ben Elton
9a473b5 It's a curse to have a mind if it is illegal to use it. It's a curse to have intelligence if you are forced to cloak it in a lifetime of wilful stupidity. Ben Elton
25bc97e As long as he lived Coleridge did not believe he would understand how a single race of beings could include both Jesus Christ and the sort of people who would download a video of a young woman being murdered. He rather supposed that had been the Messiah's point, but that didn't make it any easier to understand or accept. Ben Elton
f5e5c74 What the matter wit' your momma? She only know one name?' Stone Ben Elton
a9b1b70 You... you don't look like a Jew,' she heard him mumble. 'What does a Jew look like, you fatuous bastard'? - 'Do you think I should have a nose like a boat hook, you stupid old prick! jewish Ben Elton
b677eec H]e was damned if he was going to water down his arguments simply to satisfy the preference of the mob for dogma and ignorance. Ben Elton
3b10111 Screw humanity. I don't give the whole stinking bunch of us more than a couple of generations and good riddance. The universe is better off without us. Ben Elton
e28638c I see dull people as projects ... to be reformed people life project reform psychology Ben Elton
1055228 A time when the miracles of technology were still virile and exciting: steam engines and flying machines, not smart phones and cosmetic surgery. When there were still wildernesses left to explore and mountains left unclimbed. Ben Elton
e5c6b99 She spoke loudly in order to be heard above the noise of personal communitainers that were thudding and banging all around them. Some people used earphones, some didn't, clearly believing that as many people as possible should be given the opportunity to appreciate their musical taste. That, combined with the mass leakage from the headsets, created a terrible din and even discreet private conversations had to be conducted at a yell. earphones musical-taste thudding yell heard conversations Ben Elton
abc92fd Inogda luchshe vse ostavit' kak est'. Vremia - ne prialka. Vremia - priazha. time time-travel Ben Elton
f5947b9 ironies. Hubris, pride, comes before a fall. When Ben Elton
e2fb108 She wondered if perhaps it was something to do with marking their territory. Like dripping on the floor. Ben Elton
06833f3 Scarcely a year after Hitler had been handed power, something of what he had always claimed about the Jews had actually come to pass. He said they were different. And they had become different. He had accused them of being furtive and sneaky. And they had become furtive and sneaky. Covering up. Lying low. Watching the door. Hiding away. Survival rats. Constantly nervous, trying to blend in, avoiding people's Ben Elton
260fdb6 Dinner? You want to eat with me?' 'That's right, a Jew and queer, eh? The SS would love that, wouldn't they? Perhaps we can plot an assassination attempt. Ben Elton
0f415c1 Professor Sengupta had the self-satisfied habit common to many academics of pretending an intellectual equality with his audience in order to happily demonstrate his own superiority. Ben Elton
d0e9ace I don't want to wait. I want to learn. I only have the rest of my life left and I need to make a start. Ben Elton
ff81eb1 Kaiser's memorial church, along the Kantstrasse, where mobs of youths were starting Ben Elton
2ebf435 Tears began to fall on the notes Frieda Ben Elton
dfa667e gothic nightmares. Ben Elton
3002900 The massive machine bore down on them. Nearly fourteen feet long and six wide, it seemed to completely fill the bridge. Almost a ton and a half of wood, glass, rubber, brass and steel, a monster, roaring and trumpeting as it approached its kill, the great shining black fender arches framing its huge goggling eyes. The thrusting tusks of its sprung-leaf suspension threatened to skewer any soft flesh and young bone that lay in its path. Black.. Ben Elton
b84653c Why do you still care about those people, Frieda?' he asked. 'Do they care about you?' 'Wolf, I'm a doctor. I do not require my commitment to be reciprocal. Ben Elton
38cf9c5 In my experience, if you look people in the eye they usually mind their own business Ben Elton
2918811 Lies are as important as truth, for without lies, the truth is worthless. Ben Elton