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7020f5f I now want to examine a second major feature of Western civilization that derives from Christianity. This is what philosopher Charles Taylor calls the 'affirmation of ordinary life.' It is the simple idea that ordinary people are fallible, and yet these fallible people matter. In this view, society should organize itself in order to meet their everyday concerns, which are elevated into a kind of spiritual framework. The nuclear family, the .. human-rights Dinesh D'Souza
d89bf5c The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by a group of former Confederate soldiers; its first grand wizard was a Confederate general who was also a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. The Klan soon spread beyond the South to the Midwest and the West and became, in the words of historian Eric Foner, "the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party." The main point of the Klan's orgy of violence was to preven.. Dinesh D'Souza
5d91c85 So what if people disagree about values? People also disagree about facts. . . . In my view, the great intellectual challenge facing conservatives is to make the case for morality at a time when many in the West have ceased to believe in an external moral order. The decline of belief in such an order is the most important political development of the past two centuries. Indeed, this decline has created the "crisis of the West." -- Dinesh D'Souza
dc9554a Progressives want to take over all the major industries, from education to health care to energy to automobiles to investment banking to real estate. From Wall Street to Silicon Valley, they want, as my fellow inmates like to say, "the whole enchilada." This is not to say that progressives intend to seize all that wealth, but they do want to control it. Progressives generally can't create wealth, so they seek to take it over once it has bee.. Dinesh D'Souza
89ae5fe Fascism is an Italian term that means "groupism" or "collectivism." The fasci in Italy were groups of political activists who got their name from the fasces of ancient Rome--the bundles of rods carried by the lictors to symbolize the unified strength of the Romans. The core meaning of the term fascism is that people are stronger in groups than they are as individuals." Dinesh D'Souza
b2bcb2a Second, America is drowning in debt. While China is the world's largest creditor nation, America is the world's largest debtor nation. At $17 trillion, the national debt is now bigger than the annual gross domestic product--in other words, it is bigger than the total sum of goods and services that America produces in a year. Nearly half of this debt has been accumulated during the Obama years, at the average rate of a trillion dollars a yea.. Dinesh D'Souza
78b639f The godfather's name is Saul Alinsky. His most famous students are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Hardly anyone recognizes this, but Alinsky and the Alinsky method is the hidden force behind the 2008 economic meltdown. The meltdown was the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression; it was the main cause of median wealth in the United States in the subsequent three years declining nearly 40 percent. While the meltdown is routinely .. Dinesh D'Souza
2a97ae5 Hitler and Mussolini were indeed authoritarians, but it doesn't follow that authoritarianism equals fascism or Nazism. Lenin and Stalin were authoritarian, but neither was a fascist. Many dictators--Franco in Spain, Pinochet in Chile, Peron in Argentina, Amin in Uganda--were authoritarian without being fascists or Nazis. Trump admittedly has a bossy style that he gets from, well, being a boss. He has been a corporate boss all his life, and .. Dinesh D'Souza
ec23fb4 Hillary rode her husband's success to become first lady of Arkansas, then first lady of the United States. Then she won an easy race in liberal New York to become its junior senator. As a senator she accomplished, well, nothing. Then she ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, losing to Barack Obama, who appointed her secretary of state. Despite extensive travels, Hillary's achievements as secretary of state are essentially nil. As .. Dinesh D'Souza
e90f4da Progressives today are quick to fault "America" for slavery and a host of other outrages. America did this, America did that. As we will see in this book, America didn't do those things, the Democrats did. So the Democrats have cleverly foisted their sins on America, and then presented themselves as the messiahs offering redemption for those sins. It's crazy, but it's also ingenious. We have to give them credit for ingenuity. The second whi.. Dinesh D'Souza
5495915 Frank Marshall Davis, the former Communist who was Obama's mentor in Hawaii, was so radical that he opposed President Truman's Marshall Plan as a "device" for maintaining "white imperialism." Truman and Marshall, he wrote, were using "billions of U.S. dollars to bolster the tottering empires of England, France, Belgium, Holland and the other western exploiters of teeming millions." Indeed the objective of America after World War II was "to .. Dinesh D'Souza
163afa4 Lack of accomplishment is one thing; deceit is quite another. Everyone who has followed her career knows that Hillary is dishonest to the core, a "congenital liar" as columnist William Safire once put it. The writer Christopher Hitchens titled his book about the Clintons No One Left to Lie To. Even Hollywood mogul David Geffen, an avid progressive, said a few years ago of the Clintons, "Everybody in politics lies but they do it with such ea.. Dinesh D'Souza
38631bd If religion is so bad, what should be done about it? It should be eradicated. According to Sam Harris, belief in Christianity is like belief in slavery. "I would be the first to admit that the prospects for eradicating religion in our time do not seem good. Still the same could have been said about efforts to abolish slavery at the end of the eighteenth century."6 But" Dinesh D'Souza
0785366 My conclusion is that contrary to popular belief, atheism is not primarily an intellectual revolt, it is a moral revolt. Atheists don't find God invisible so much as objectionable. They aren't adjusting their desires to the truth, but rather the truth to fit their desires. This is something we can all identify with. It is a temptation even for believers. We want to be saved as long as we are not saved from our sins. We are quite willing to .. Dinesh D'Souza
04dfb9b Hitler was a racist in a way that Mussolini wasn't, with FDR occupying a position somewhere between the two of them. FDR was not an anti-Semite, as Hitler was, but he did share Hitler's low view of Asians and blacks. During World War II, FDR ordered that many Japanese Americans, under suspicion of disloyalty, be interned in camps. There is, of course, an argument in wartime for holding captive those who pose a security risk. My point, howev.. Dinesh D'Souza
da33c47 Imagine the horror of Obama and his aides, therefore, when one of the leading academic champions of Obamacare, economist Jonathan Gruber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, decided to reveal the con, even to the point of confessing it was a con. Gruber himself received $2 million in consulting fees related to Obamacare. Dinesh D'Souza
cae75b1 Gruber had none of these motives. Gruber's candor about Obamacare was not caused by the desire to be a whistle-blower nor by a drinking spree nor by the prospect of gain. Rather, it was caused by Gruber's arrogance. The man is a smug self-promoter who wanted to take credit for his participation in a clever racket. Speaking to fellow academics and liberal political activists, Gruber apparently thought he was in a room of thieves cackling abo.. Dinesh D'Souza
a0137e5 Gruber said that Obamacare was sold based on lies. He said the lies only worked because of the stupidity of the American people. Of one key Obamacare provision, Gruber said it was a "very clever exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter." He said that while the administration promised transparency, lack of transparency was the key to getting the legislation through. Basically Gruber's message to his fellow con.. Dinesh D'Souza
32670db At first the left tried to dismiss Gruber by saying he wasn't an important architect of Obamacare. But earlier this same Gruber had been hailed by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and others as the Oracle of Obamacare. Dinesh D'Souza
6c41ba0 Hardly anyone recognizes this, but Alinsky and the Alinsky method is the hidden force behind the 2008 economic meltdown. The meltdown was the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression; it was the main cause of median wealth in the United States in the subsequent three years declining nearly 40 percent. While the meltdown is routinely attributed to Wall Street "greed," its real cause was government and activist pressure on banks and b.. Dinesh D'Souza
65b79e7 Obama's claims about teachers and CEOs gets to a broader puzzle about how a capitalist society assigns rewards. At first glance, it seems that there is no relationship between merit and reward. Athletes and entertainers, who provide services much less indispensable than teachers and doctors, earn vastly more than either of those two professions. Earlier I mentioned the example of the parking lot guy who parks all the cars and makes money fo.. Dinesh D'Souza
3e4d05f She is more than just a liar; she and her husband Bill are corrupt and known to be corrupt, going back to their Arkansas days. Just prior to leaving the White House, the Clintons pardoned a notorious fugitive who had fled the country to escape prosecution on racketeering and tax fraud. Pardons don't come free--the man's family and friends poured millions of dollars into the Clinton coffers in exchange. Dinesh D'Souza
a6f677c Publicly inconsolable about the fact that racism continues, these activists seem privately terrified that it has abated. Dinesh D'Souza
6be9d6e Sometimes reparations is used to justify a feeding frenzy in which minority claimants simply raid the U.S. Treasury en masse while government bureaucrats facilitate a large transfer of wealth from the taxpayer to these so-called historical victims. A scandalous example of this is the Pigford case. Some ninety-one black farmers had sued the U.S. government alleging a legacy of bias against African Americans. Rather than settle the suit and p.. Dinesh D'Souza
c72be8f In this respect, Obama is fairly typical of progressives more generally. The evidence for this claim is in Arthur Brooks's study, Who Really Cares. Brooks bases his conclusions on data drawn from a wide range of sources that keep track of philanthropy. Brooks divides America into four groups: religious conservatives, religious liberals, secular conservatives, and secular liberals. He finds that religious conservatives are the most generous .. Dinesh D'Souza
f92841e This is a book unlike any other on Barack Obama. It is not the typical effusive book of apostolic praise, but neither is it a crude bashing of Obama. Rather, it is an effort to understand Obama, to discover what motivates him, and to formulate a theory that explains his actions in the White House. It offers a completely original theory for what drives Obama, and yet remarkably the theory is derived from Obama's own autobiography and Obama's.. Dinesh D'Souza
9ef6323 Let's begin with this notion that society, not entrepreneurs, is primarily responsible for the success of an enterprise. What is the evidence for that? Actually there is very little. Consider the great inventions and innovations of the nineteenth century that made possible the Industrial Revolution and the rising standard of living that propelled America into the front ranks of the world by the mid-twentieth century. Who built the telegraph.. Dinesh D'Souza
49276ce Businesses call this "profit." Marx called it "surplus value." For Marx, the crucial question is: Who gets this surplus value? Who is entitled to the profit that businesses accumulate? Marx insisted that this profit belongs wholly to the workers. They earned it, so they deserve to share it. In reality, however, the entrepreneur or the capitalist gets it. If he has investors, they too share it. Marx regarded this as the most scandalous form .. Dinesh D'Souza
1a31b2a The Sioux position, conveyed by White Face, is that the land needs to be returned; it needs to become tribal land again. White Face showed me what used to be several ancient sacred sites "where the Great Spirits dwell" and she wants those sites restored, so Sioux people can once again commune with the spirits. I reminded White Face that before the Sioux, there were Cheyenne Indians and other tribes on that land. So if America stole the land.. Dinesh D'Souza
9e3443e As I was completing this book, I saw news reports quoting NASA chief Charles Bolden announcing that from now on the primary mission of America's space agency would be to improve relations with the Muslim world. Come again? Bolden said he got the word directly from the president. "He wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contrib.. Dinesh D'Souza
f718cf4 Rather, the issue is whether it is right to have a mosque and Islamic center in virtually the exact spot where so many Americans were killed in the name of Islamic holy war. I don't think it is right, any more than I would support the idea of a neo-Nazi recruiting center at Auschwitz. My sympathies in this case are not with religiously deprived Muslims, but rather with Debra Burlingame, a spokesperson for a 9/11 victims group. "Barack Obama.. Dinesh D'Souza
985e47d In July 2010, reports surfaced in the British press that the Obama administration favored the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber. This was an eye-opener, because when Scotland released Megrahi from prison and sent him home to Libya in August 2009, the Obama administration publicly protested the decision. Obama reaffirmed his position on Megrahi's release when British prime minister David Cameron came to visit in July 20.. Dinesh D'Souza
fc3ffa1 Another way to put it is that the majority must not use its power to trample on minority rights. The Founders were very concerned about this. What if the majority decides, for instance, to confiscate the property of the minority? The Founders insisted that "tyranny of the majority" is just as dangerous as having a one-man tyrant. In some ways, it's more dangerous. It's bad enough to be oppressed by one man--even worse to be oppressed by the.. Dinesh D'Souza
a4fc2c1 At Columbia, Obama wrote an article in a student weekly, Sundial, calling for an end to the U.S. military industrial complex. Obama's article was a response to the so-called nuclear freeze movement that was sweeping American campuses at the time. As an undergraduate at Dartmouth in the early 1980s, I remember well the paranoia of the freeze activists, who seemed convinced that the world was about to end unless their nuclear freeze solution .. Dinesh D'Souza
32aaa2d Obama is also directing the U.S. government to invest billions of dollars in solar and wind energy. In addition, he is using bailout leverage to compel the Detroit auto companies to build small, "green" cars, even though no one in the government has investigated whether consumers are interested in buying small, "green" cars--the Obama administration just believes they should. All these measures, Obama recognizes, are expensive. The cap and .. Dinesh D'Souza
d139b3f Today we think of fascism's most famous representative as Adolf Hitler. Yet as I mentioned earlier, Hitler didn't consider himself a fascist. Rather, he saw himself as a National Socialist. The two ideologies are related in that they are both based on collectivism and centralized state power. They emerge, one might say, from a common point of origin. Yet they are also distinct; fascism, for instance, had no intrinsic connection with anti-Se.. Dinesh D'Souza
4e8a438 Obama's narrative culminates in his month-long journey to Africa, where he talks to various relatives about who his dad really was, and then weeps at the man's grave. It's powerful stuff. But at first glance it's a little hard for the reader to understand Obama's depth of allegiance. His dad was, after all, a complete jerk. He married Kezia in Kenya and had two children with her. Before the second child was born, he abandoned his family to .. Dinesh D'Souza
8397421 This is a book unlike any other on Barack Obama. It is not the typical effusive book of apostolic praise, but neither is it a crude bashing of Obama. Rather, it is an effort to understand Obama, to discover what motivates him, and to formulate a theory that explains his actions in the White House. It offers a completely original theory for what drives Obama, and yet remarkably the theory is derived from Obama's Dinesh D'Souza
4bb9137 Obama benefited from Saul Alinsky's transracial strategy to assemble an effective coalition. Alinsky's goal was for the activist to reach America's white middle class because, as he put it, "that is where the power is." Alinsky had nothing but contempt for left-wing activists who treated the white middle class as a bunch of square, sexually uptight, gun-toting, small-minded racists. Yes, Alinsky wrote, the middle class is mighty screwed up... Dinesh D'Souza
5ce43b7 Author Shelby Steele, one of America's most insightful commentators on race relations, notes that whites have been looking for some time for a black leader who has credibility within the black community and yet can offer whites racial absolution. This should not be taken too cynically. Many whites genuinely espouse an idealism that seeks to move beyond race, and they recognize that it's going to take a black spokesman to make this case on a.. Dinesh D'Souza
2e12b89 This is not my view of the matter; it is the Nazi eugenicists' view of the matter. In the early twentieth century, eugenics and social Darwinism were far more prevalent in America than they were in Germany. Margaret Sanger and her fellow progressive eugenicists didn't get their ideas for killing off undesirables--or preventing their births--from the Nazis; the Nazis got them from their American counterparts who dominated the field of intern.. Dinesh D'Souza
c647f6e The free society does not guarantee virtue any more than it guarantees happiness. But it allows for the pursuit of both, a pursuit rendered all the more meaningful and profound because success is not guaranteed: it has to be won through personal striving. d-souza freedom Dinesh D'Souza
db591d1 When I hear such arguments, I find my sympathies moving toward Obama; we should at least credit him with being smarter than this. I think his critics sometimes forget how much of his domestic and foreign agenda he has realized in a single term. The anti-colonial theory gives Obama the benefit of presuming him to be at least modestly intelligent. Of course Obama understands the consequences of his actions--that's why he is doing them. He's d.. Dinesh D'Souza
833723b The fascist synthesis did not view Italy as a society divided by class but rather as a unified country in which all sectors of society could come together. The fascists replaced the old Marxist divide between unproductive capitalists and productive labor with the single category of the productive nation. Dinesh D'Souza
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