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d4d0e02 So what do you do for a living? Staying alive is nice, but you can't do that forever. It's how you live the life you have while you have it. Frank E. Peretti
0eaf398 Spirit, who are you?' Andy demanded. Bobby remained silent, his entire body strained, his lips tightly together, his eyes bulging out. He was taking frantic, short breaths through his nose. His face was crimson. Spirit,' said Andy, 'I command you to tell us who you are in Jesus' name!' Don't you mention that name!' the spirit hissed and then cursed. Frank E. Peretti
a6f9002 No amount of lies, no matter how cleverly couched, will ever outstrip or outlast God's truth, nor will any lie ever outreach His grace. The Lord knows those who are His, His sheep hear His voice, and the arm of the Lord is never so short that He cannot save. Frank E. Peretti
ac5e8c6 TAL HAD TO laugh. Hardly presentable! Wasn't it strange, the way humans looked at themselves with eyes of flesh and not of the Spirit? Certainly that dear woman had been through mire and filth of every degree; she was scarred, exhausted, ragged, and dirty. But to the angels, she appeared as God Himself saw her, just as any other redeemed saint of the living God: pure, shining, clean, dressed in garments as white as snow. Frank E. Peretti
ef3616d I'm here, Satan," he said. "I can't see you, and maybe you can move faster than I can, but I'm still here, and by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit I intend to be a thorn in your side until one of us has had enough!" spiritual-warfare Frank E. Peretti
4acb2c6 But the transition from the New York Times to the Ashton Clarion was like jumping off a speeding train into a wall of half-set Jell-O. Frank E. Peretti
585ca65 I will go to the saints first. Already there is plenty in Bacon's Corner for them to be upset about, plenty to divide them. I will keep them busy censuring and smiting each other, and then their hearts will be far from praying." He" Frank E. Peretti
8f027b8 But kids like us grow up and need our own relationship with God, forged in the heart through time and experience, not draped around us by the church we attend. We need to know God for ourselves, not secondhand. Frank E. Peretti
ddaa78c SIN IS THE MONSTER we love to deny. It can stalk us, bite a slice out of our lives, return again and bite again, and even as we bleed and hobble, we prefer to believe nothing has happened. That makes sin the perfect monster, a man-eater that blinds and numbs its victims, convincing them that nothing is wrong and there is no need to flee, and then consumes them at its leisure. Frank E. Peretti
949f306 Brummel was a man somewhere in his thirties, single, a one-time hotshot city cop with a big buck lifestyle that belied his policeman's salary. He always came on like a likable guy, but Marshall never really trusted him. Come to think of it, he didn't like him that much either. Too much teeth showing for no reason. Frank E. Peretti
767ebc6 Crime was up, especially among the youth; simple, common trust in one's neighbor was diminishing; never had the town been so full of rumors, scandals, and malicious gossip. In the shadow of fear and suspicion, life here was gradually losing its joy and simplicity, and no one seemed to know why or how. Frank E. Peretti
519f671 So why should he even bother himself with this? The answer came to his mind: Because what happened to Annie Brewer was evil and evil prevails when good men do nothing. Frank E. Peretti
4a87e7f I am free. I am ransomed. I've never felt this way before, like a slave set free who was born a slave and never knew what freedom was like. freedom piercing-the-darkness salvation jesus-christ Frank E. Peretti
f33867f Nevertheless, as we follow the invisible warfare swirling around the life of one wounded, searching sinner, the core message rings clear: No amount of lies, no matter how cleverly couched, will ever outstrip or outlast God's truth, nor will any lie ever outreach His grace. The Lord knows those who are His, His sheep hear His voice, and the arm of Frank E. Peretti
b1e43ea I feel an obligation toward God to be as honest as I can. I'm human, sir, and I'll admit the Truth can be painful at times, and even a little elusive, but... as best as I can, I must speak the Truth and address things as they are. I don't feel I have any right to take the Truth and cut it up, rearrange it, select what I want and delete what I want just so it'll align with my politics or my Accounting Department." - John Barrett Jr." Frank E. Peretti
b10cfeb The Strongman continued his mental review. "And the petty little saints in the town were . . . obscure, don't you see, far from help, far from the mainstream, alone amid the rolling farmlands . . . unknown. It was a perfect place to begin the process." His beastly face grew tight and bitter. "Until they started praying. Until they ceased being so comfortable and started weeping before God! Until they began to reclaim the power of the . . .".. Frank E. Peretti
b3c08d8 So what do you do while you're living? Staying alive is nice, but you can't do that forever. It's how you live the life you have while you have it. Frank E. Peretti
d70619d Tom, remember my last letter, when I talked about guilt? I haven't forgotten any of those thoughts; as a matter of fact, they are still churning in my head, and I don't know where they will eventually carry me. Since I last wrote, I did come up with one challenging proposition about guilt: that it could be a fact, and not just a feeling. Frank E. Peretti