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fff5249 I feel an army in my fist. Friedrich Schiller
97f38c5 The joke loses everything when the joker laughs himself. Friedrich Schiller
20bd444 Did you think the lion was sleeping because he didn't roar? Friedrich Schiller
6af90ec The lemonade is weak, like your soul. Friedrich Schiller
aae640a Translation: World history is the world's court. Friedrich Schiller
36c1904 What one refuses in a minuteNo eternity will return. Friedrich Schiller
98fb02f What the inner voice saysWill not disappoint the hoping soul. Friedrich Schiller
3032a3e Man is created free, and is free,Though he be born in chains. Friedrich Schiller
830bbc6 Virtue is no empty echo. Friedrich Schiller
e31d32f Appearance should never attain reality,And if nature conquers, then must art retire. Friedrich Schiller
002b648 I am better than my reputation. Friedrich Schiller
a8a47bd Pain is short, and joy is eternal. Friedrich Schiller
dcc454e Life is only error,And death is knowledge. Friedrich Schiller
53ff49d What are hopes, what are plans? Friedrich Schiller
154cea1 Only through Beauty's morning gate, dost thou enter the land of Knowledge. Friedrich Schiller
208923e O who knows what slumbers in the background of the times? Friedrich Schiller
64cffab O the idea was childish, but divinely beautiful. Friedrich Schiller
36d6e61 A moment lived in paradiseIs not atoned for too dearly by death. Friedrich Schiller
ea626d7 I am calledThe sun in my dominion never sets. Friedrich Schiller
ef6dc1d Welcome, all ye myriad creatures!Brethren, take the kiss of love! Friedrich Schiller
9719fea It is through beauty that we arrive at freedom. Friedrich Schiller
dbacf8a Posterity weaves no garlands for imitators. Friedrich Schiller
10b5eb2 He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all times. Friedrich Schiller
a2539cc Life is earnest, art is gay. Friedrich Schiller
11d0eae Whatever is not forbidden is permitted. Friedrich Schiller
349195c What is the short meaning of the long speech? Friedrich Schiller
a4c4dfb In thy breast are the stars of thy fate. Friedrich Schiller
abc1252 You say it as you understand it. Friedrich Schiller
99121e0 The dictates of the heart are the voice of fate. Friedrich Schiller
c387f40 Man is made of ordinary things, and habit is his nurse. Friedrich Schiller
04a457d I have only an office here, and no opinion. Friedrich Schiller
a57474b Virtue has her heroes tooAs well as Fame and Fortune. Friedrich Schiller
0eed5ab Many a crown shines spotless nowThat yet was deeply sullied in the winning. Friedrich Schiller
e0f0adf What is life without the radiance of love? Friedrich Schiller
d0ed2d3 The strong man is strongest when alone. Friedrich Schiller
ce5ff0c The mountain cannot frighten one who was born on it. Friedrich Schiller
730a405 Who reflects too much will accomplish little. Friedrich Schiller
dfd8357 You saw his weakness, and he will never forgive you. Friedrich Schiller
3191790 No cause has he to say his doom is harsh, Who's made the master of his destiny. Friedrich Schiller
306a28f What's old collapses, times change,And new life blossoms in the ruins. Friedrich Schiller
b106abd A gloomy guest fits not a wedding feast. Friedrich Schiller
e663b6c The most pious man can't stay in peace If it doesn't please his evil neighbor. Friedrich Schiller
28acb03 Self Confidence has always been the parent of great actions. Friedrich Schiller