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9376f18 She wasn't actually going to lie, but there was...well, there might be an element of flexibility. Genevieve Cogman
eab8b50 Irene hated trusting to luck. It was no substitute for good planning and careful preparation. Genevieve Cogman
08d6768 It was only a hypothesis, but it made an uncomfortable amount of sense. Genevieve Cogman
8d52dea Blind faith is just another word for slavery. Genevieve Cogman
4697987 There were things to do, people to see, questions to ask. Books to read. Genevieve Cogman
ede2e1f The news was highly coloured, even if the print was black and white. Genevieve Cogman
958faec First things first. Get the facts, then decide what to do next. And hope that there is a next. Genevieve Cogman
c2a2e2e Sometimes the obvious answer is the true answer. Genevieve Cogman
2fd1af0 What is written can be erased, alas. Genevieve Cogman
cf1a8eb Be careful. Be diplomatic. Try not to blow anything up. Genevieve Cogman
c984e36 I have no intention of signing up to her crusade," Irene said. "To anyone's crusade." Genevieve Cogman
f6c2b35 I think the time for blind trust is long over. Now I need answers. Genevieve Cogman
a4eb9d1 We shouldn't be playing politics. We should be focusing on what's important. Genevieve Cogman
e471d8c Don't you realize you have a responsibility to other people to look after yourself? Genevieve Cogman