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f2b0766 Some problems in this [Rhind] papyrus seem to imply a rudimentary knowledge of proportion. A History of Mathematics
ea26244 Like Egyptian geometry, the geometry of the Pythagoreans is much concerned with areas. A History of Mathematics
6eaa0db What the Pythagorean method of proof was has been a favourite topic for conjecture. A History of Mathematics
7bde8ee Among the later Pythagoreans, Philolaus and Archytas are the most prominent. A History of Mathematics
5a853ca Diogenes Laertius describes Eudoxus as astronomer, physician, legislator, as well as geometer. A History of Mathematics
38f44e2 There are no absolutes... in mathematics or in its history. History of mathematics
95c6b6d In mathematics the art of asking questions is more valuable than solving problems. History of mathematics
62e8ce8 I would rather discover a single [geometrical] demonstration than become king of the Persians. History of mathematics