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8f73ba6 What the shit, man!" (Aziz Ansari) Human Giant
3618464 Prepare your mind... (Aziz Ansari as John Satan) Human Giant
348ab63 for a MIND EXPLOSION!!!" (Paul Scheer as Scott Devil) Human Giant
aafc4f7 Fiddling knobs, touching keys, having fun with a full grown man" (Aziz Ansari) Human Giant
7afa981 Come on, man, I got a full beard!" (Aziz Ansari) Human Giant
8f26a62 Whales, you swim in my piss!" (Rob Huebel) Human Giant
0c2a383 I don't drink Tang, on EARTH!" (Rob Huebel as Cliff Tarpey) Human Giant
58357cc Oh No. Pictures of my vagina leaked out onto the internet." (Rob Huebel) Human Giant
5c9a352 Blood Oath!" (Rob Huebel) Human Giant
9c7ebc4 And that's why I think video game tennis is just better than regular tennis." (Aziz Ansari) Human Giant
a2515e3 No. We have to settle this... in space." (Rob Huebel as Cliff Tarpey) Human Giant
a2d765f I'm young, I'm hot, I'm sexy on the spot, touch me here, touch me..." (Paul Scheer) Human Giant
c5af45b It's the prank of the century! Paul made love to a dude, yeah!" (Aziz Ansari) Human Giant
a7e67cc Go back in time and give your mother an abortion!" (Paul Scheer) Human Giant
98c9f6e You shut up when I'm eating. YOU SHUT UP!!!" (Rob Huebel) Human Giant
1eb06e8 Nobody can defeat my light saber!" (Paul Scheer as Randy Wattson) Human Giant
863da01 If bands had cocks, this bands cock would be fucking huge!" (Aziz Ansari as Clell Tickle) Human Giant
ff8fc47 Thanks for the coffee you piece of shit! You just got swindled!" (Aziz Ansari as Jimmy Norville) Human Giant
aa5cdaf You know, you can't get pregnant on the moon." (Rob Huebel as Cliff Tarpey) Human Giant
50d9ab8 I'm the kind of astronaut that murders for sport." (Rob Huebel as Cliff Tarpey) Human Giant
2f736d2 We are now the Weenie Kings." (Paul Scheer as Zerg, a character based on General Zod) Human Giant
db34789 I've been arrested four times! One of those times was bullshit!" (Paul Scheer as G-Force) Human Giant
791efb5 You say anything I will cut you" (Paul Scheer as a Genie) Human Giant
0002b6e Federal penal system, you just got swindled' (Aziz Ansari as Jimmy Norville) Human Giant
7f5057f Why would you say such things when you know I will kill you?" (Paul Scheer as Zerg) Human Giant