When Svejk subsequently described life in the lunatic asylum, he did so in exceptionally eulogistic terms: 'I really don't know why those loonies get so angry when they're kept there. You can crawl naked on the floor, howl like a jackal, rage and bite. If anyone did this anywhere on the promenade people would be astonished, but there it's the most common or garden thing to do. There's a freedom there which not even Socialists have ever drea..
Jaroslav Hašek |
After debauches and orgies there always follows the moral hangover.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Jesus Christ was innocent too,' said Svejk, 'and all the same they crucified him. No one anywhere has ever worried about a man being innocent. Maul halten und weiter dienen ['Grin and bear it and get on with the job'] - as they used to tell us in the army. That's the best and finest thing of all.
Jaroslav Hašek |
And somewhere from the dim ages of history the truth dawned upon Europe that the morrow would obliterate the plans of today.
Jaroslav Hašek |
The famous field altar came from the Jewish firm of Moritz Mahler in Vienna, which manufactured all kinds of accessories for mass as well as religious objects like rosaries and images of saints. The altar was made up of three parts, lberally provided with sham gilt like the whole glory of the Holy Church. It was not possible without considerable ingenuity to detect what the pictures painted on these three parts actually represented. What wa..
Jaroslav Hašek |
Those who boggle at strong language are cowards, because it is real life which is shocking them, and weaklings like that are the very people who cause most harm to culture and character. They would like to see the nation grow up into a group of over-sensitive little people--masturbators of false culture...
Jaroslav Hašek |
Preparations for the slaughter of mankind have always been made in the name of God or some supposed higher being which men have devised and created in their own imagination.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Sometimes I notice I'm demented, especially at sunset.
Jaroslav Hašek |
The lieutenant's fooling around again with the telegraph girl at the station," said the corporal, after he had gone. "He's been running after her for a fortnight and he's always frightfully furious when he comes from the telegraph office and he says about her: "She's a whore. She won't sleep with me!"
Jaroslav Hašek |
All along the line,' said the volunteer, pulling the blanket over him, 'everything in the army stinks of rottenness. Up till now the wide-eyed masses haven't woken up to it. With goggling eyes they let themselves be made into mincemeat and then when they're struck by a bullet they just whisper, "Mummy!" Heroes don't exist, only cattle for the slaughter and the butchers in the general staffs. But in the end every body will mutiny and there w..
Jaroslav Hašek |
I suffered the misfortune that I sat down at a table and started drinking one glass of beer after another.
Jaroslav Hašek |
This is what opportunity brings with it. It's the self-determination of man. Every man in the course of his life eternal life undergoes countless changes and has to appear once in this worlds as a thief in certain periods of his activity.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Vopravdu nevim, proc se ti blazni zlobeji, kdyz je tam drzi. Clovek tam muze lezt nahej po podlaze, vejt jako sakal, zurit a kousat. Jestli by to udelal clovek nekde na promenade, tak by se lidi divili, ale tam to patri k necemu prachobycejnymu. Je tam takova svoboda, vo kerej se ani socialistum nikdy nezdalo.
Jaroslav Hašek |
War demanded valour even in pilfering.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Austria's victory crawled out of her latrines.
Jaroslav Hašek |
In de loop van de vijf, zes jaar dat ik in Rusland verbleef, ben ik een paar keer door diverse organisaties en individuen gedood dan wel doodverklaard.
Jaroslav Hašek |
At that moment Svejk looked as if he had fallen down from the sky from some other planet and he was now looking with naive wonder at a new world where people were demanding from him idiotic nonsense which he had never heard of before . . . .
Jaroslav Hašek |
You're right,' said the corporal. 'It serves editors like that right. They only stir the people up. Last year when I was still only a lance-corporal I had an editor under me and he called me nothing else but a disaster for the army, but when I taught him unarmed drill and he sweated, he always used to say: "Please respect the human being in me." But I gave him hell for his human being when the order was "flat down" and there were a lot of p..
Jaroslav Hašek |
E muito mau sinal - prosseguiu Svejk - que uma pessoa comece de repente a dar-se a umas consideracoes filosoficas quaisqueres, pois isso traz sempre um cheiro a delirium tremens.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Aqui, na maioria dos casos, desvanecia-se toda a logica e vencia o SS, endoidecia o SS, escumava o SS, ria o SS, ameacava o SS, e nao conhecia perdao. Eram malabaristas de leis, comedores de letras de decretos-lei, devoradores de acusados(...) Eram excepcao alguns poucos senhores(...) que nao levavam a lei tanto a serio(...) Foi a um desses senhores que levaram Svejk para interrogatorio. Um homem ja de certa idade e de aspecto bondoso que e..
Jaroslav Hašek |
Quem se poe com conversas de duplo sentido tem de pensar primeiro no que se esta a meter. Uma pessoa recta que fala conforme lhe cresceu o bico raramente leva no trombil. E se ja levou uma data de vezes, tanto mais se poe a pau, e na duvida fecha a cloaca em publico.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Ja estou farto disto - exclamou o segundo cabo. - Entao e um homem feliz - disse Svejk. - Algumas pessoas nunca se fartam.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Nao leves o teu servidor a julgamento, pois nenhum homem se justificara perante ti se nao lhe concederes o perdao de todos os seus pecados, pelo que te rogo que nao lhe tornes muito pesado o teu veredicto. Peco a tua ajuda e encomendo nas tuas maos, Senhor, o meu espirito.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Entao la o enforcamos, mas so ficou pendurado por alguns segundos, que a corda rompeu-se e ele caiu ao chao, mas logo veio a si e se pos a gritar para mim: <>(...)
Jaroslav Hašek |
Resumindo, os hungaros sao uma rale que ai anda(...) - Tambem ha um hungaro ou outro que nao tem culpa de ser hungaro.
Jaroslav Hašek |
O orgulho antecede a queda. Toda a gloria e efemera. Icaro queimou as asas. O ser humano gostava de ser um gigante - mas e o caralho, camarada. Nao ha que acreditar no acaso e dar-se estalos de manha e a noite para se lembrar que o cuidado nunca e de mais, e que o que e de mais faz mal. Depois de bacanais e orgias, vem sempre a ressaca moral. E uma lei da natureza, meu caro amigo.
Jaroslav Hašek |
uma vez li, declaro obedientemente, que houve uma grande batalha em que tombou um rei sueco juntamente com o seu fiel cavalo. Levaram as duas carcacas para a Suecia, e agora os dois cadavares estao empalhados num museu em Estocolmo.
Jaroslav Hašek |
Havia um tenente Prochazka que nao ralhava muito. Apenas chamava ao seu ordenanca: <>. O seu ordenanca, um tal Hibman, nunca lhe ouviu outro improperio. Esse Hibman habituou-se tanto ao tratamento que, quando passou para a vida civil, tambem tratava o paizinho, a maezinha e as irmas por <>, e tambem disse isso a sua noiva, que se separou dele e o pos em tribunal por ofensas morais (...)
Jaroslav Hašek |
Nao ha nada pior para se trabalhar que um povo como o daquelas bandas, que nao sabe ler nem escrever e so assina com tres cruzinhas, o que a nossa intendencia sabia muito bem, de forma que, quando mandavamos ir buscar dinheiro a intendencia, nao podiamos anexar recibos falsificados em como eu lhes tinha entregado dinheiro em pagamento, coisa que so se pode fazer naqueles locais onde o povo e mais culto e sabe assinar o seu nome.
Jaroslav Hašek |