What you do is what matters, not what you think or say or plan.
Jason Fried |
Don't let yourself off the hook with excuses.
Jason Fried |
The problem with abstractions (like reports and documents) is that they create illusions of agreement. A hundred people can read the same words, but in their heads, they're imagining a hundred different things.
Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson |
Meetings: "They often include at least one moron who inevitably gets his turn to waste everyone's time with nonsense"."
Jason Fried |
It's better to have people be happy using someone else's product than disgruntled using yours.
Jason Fried |
Small is not just a stepping-stone. Small is a great destination itself
Jason Fried |
Standing for something isn't just about writing it down. It's about believing it and living it.
Jason Fried |
When you treat people like children, you get children's work.
Jason Fried |
Plans let past drives the future.
Jason Fried |
Press Releases are spam
Jason Fried |
Marketing is not a department Do you have a marketing department? If not, good. If you do, don't think these are the only people responsible for marketing. Accounting is a department. Marketing isn't. Marketing is something everyone in your company is doing 24/7/365. Just as you cannot not communicate, you cannot not market: Every time you answer the phone, it's marketing. Every time you send an e-mail, it's marketing. Every time someone us..
Jason Fried |
Respect the work that you've never done before.
Jason Fried |
When everything constantly needs approval, you create a culture of nonthinkers.
Jason Fried |
If you constantly fret about timing things perfectly, they'll never happen.
Jason Fried |
Culture is action, not words.
Jason Fried |
It's like when you're on hold and a recorded voice comes on telling you how much the company values you as a customer. Really? Then maybe you should hire some more support people so I don't have to wait thirty minutes to get help.
Jason Fried |
WE ALL HAVE ideas. Ideas are immortal. They last forever. What doesn't last forever is inspiration. Inspiration is like fresh fruit or milk: It has an expiration date.
Jason Fried |
Policies are organizational scar tissue. They are codified overreactions to situations that are unlikely to happen again. They are collective punishment for the misdeeds of an individual. This is how bureaucracies are born. No one sets out to create a bureaucracy. They sneak up on companies slowly. They are created one policy--one scar--at a time. So don't scar on the first cut. Don't create a policy because one person did something wrong o..
Jason Fried |
People automatically associate quitting with failure, but sometimes that's exactly what you should do. If you already spent too much time on something that wasn't worth it, walk away. You can't get that time back. The worst thing you can do now is waste even more time.
Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson Matthew Linderman 37 Signals |
Security is a big and serious deal, but it's also largely a solved problem. That's why the average person is quite willing to do their banking online and why nobody is afraid of entering their credit card number on Amazon. At 37signals, we've devised a simple security checklist all employees must follow: 1. All computers must use hard drive encryption, like the built-in FileVault feature in Apple's OS X operating system. This ensures that a..
Jason Fried |
Delegators love to pull people into meetings, too. In fact, meetings are a delegator's best friend. That's where he gets to seem important. Meanwhile, everyone else who attends is pulled away from getting real work done.
Jason Fried |
40-hour weeks are made of 8-hour days. And 8 hours is actually a long time. It takes about 8 hours to fly direct from Chicago to London. Ever been on a transatlantic flight like that? It's a long flight! You think it's almost over, but you check the time and there's still 3 hours left. Every day your workday is like flying from Chicago to London. But why does the flight feel longer than your time in the office? It's because the flight is un..
Jason Fried |
No time is no excuse
Jason Fried |
How long someone's been doing it is overrated. What matters is how well they've been doing it.
Jason Fried |
Don't make up problems you don't have yet. It's not a problem until it's a real problem. Most of the things you worry about never happen anyway.
Jason Fried |
Pass on hiring people you don't need, even if you think that person's a great catch.
Jason Fried |
Limited resources force you to make do with what you've got. There's no room for waste. And that forces you to be creative.
Jason Fried |
Teach and you'll form a bond you just don't get from traditional marketing tactics. Buying people's attention with a magazine or online banner ad is one thing. Earning their loyalty by teaching them forms a whole different connection. They'll trust you more. They'll respect you more. Even if they don't use your product, they can still be your fans.
Jason Fried |
Workaholics aren't heroes. They don't save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured out a faster way to get things done.
Jason Fried |
If no one's upset by what you're saying, you're probably not pushing hard enough. (And you're probably boring, too.)
Jason Fried |
Whenever you can, swap "Let's think about it" for "Let's decide on it." Commit to making decisions. Don't wait for the perfect solution. Decide and move forward."
Jason Fried |
Time-management hacks, life hacks, sleep hacks, work hacks. These all reflect an obsession with trying to squeeze more time out of the day, but rearranging your daily patterns to find more time for work isn't the problem. Too much shit to do is the problem.
Jason Fried |
Failure is not a pre-requisite for success. Already successful entrepreneurs are far more likely to succeed again than who failed
Jason Fried |
When you build an audience, you don't have to buy people's attention--they give it to you. This is a huge advantage. So build an audience. Speak, write, blog, tweet, make videos--whatever. Share information that's valuable and you'll slowly but surely build a loyal audience.
Jason Fried |
If the only way you can inspire the troops is by a regimen of exhaustion, it's time to look for some deeper substance. Because what trickles down is less likely to be admiration but dread and fear instead. A leader who sets an example of self-sacrifice can't help but ask self-sacrifice of others.
Jason Fried |
All companies have customers. Lucky companies have fans. But the most fortunate companies have audiences.
Jason Fried |
Any conversation with more than three people is typically a conversation with too many people.
Jason Fried |
Mark Twain nailed it: "Comparison is the death of joy."
Jason Fried |
A business without a path to profit isn't a business, it's a hobby.
Jason Fried |
Sustained exhaustion is not a badge of honor, it's a mark of stupidity.
Jason Fried |
Ever find yourself working on something without knowing exactly why? Someone just told you to do it. It's pretty common, actually. That's why it's important to ask why you're working on _____. What is this for? Who benefits? What's the motivation behind it? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you better understand the work itself.
Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson Matthew Linderman 37 Signals |
If you're just going to be like everyone else, why are you even doing this? If you merely replicate competitors, there's no point for your existence. Even if you wind up losing, it's better to go down fighting for what you believe in instead of just imitating others.
Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson Matthew Linderman 37 Signals |
Don't make up problems you don't have yet. It's not a problem until it's a real problem. Most of the things you worry about never happen anyway. The decisions you make today don't need to last forever. If circumstances change, your decisions CAN change. Decisions are temporary.
Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson |
Writing is today 's currency for good ideas.
Jason Fried David Heinemeier Hansson |