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c8e94ca Some people standby you in your darkest hour while others walk away; only a select few march towards you and become even closer friends. Jeffrey Archer
cae168f I have discovered with advancing years that few things are entirely black or white, but more often different shades of grey. Jeffrey Archer
1d800c1 If you make a deal with a fool, don't be surprised when they act foolishly. philosophical Jeffrey Archer
468da21 we all suffer in our different ways from being prisoners of birth. Jeffrey Archer
4e5c577 I find I don't learn a lot while I'm talking Jeffrey Archer
632bf99 Are parents always more ambitious for their children than they are for themselves? parents children Jeffrey Archer
1816b40 Making a million legally has always been difficult. Making a million illegally has always been a little easier. Keeping a million when you have made it is perhaps the most difficult of all. jeffrey jeffrey-archer Jeffrey Archer
ec17cbb There are defining moments in one's life when you learn about yourself, and you deposit that knowledge in the experience account, so you can draw on it at some later date. Jeffrey Archer
c9238b0 You can often judge the character of a person by the way he treats his fellow men. fellow-humans Jeffrey Archer
4345b2d The sign of a great man is how you handle defeat. - Old Jack Jeffrey Archer
5de138a Fortune favours the brave Jeffrey Archer
0ea6992 n 'Glb lns qd `shw Hdthan wHdan `l~ l'ql khll Hythm y`d Hdthan frydan Hqan, wySlH tmman lSyGth fy qS@ qSyr@. stories Jeffrey Archer
1d103b9 It's one of the ironies of mountaineering,' said Young, 'that grown men are happy to spend months preparing for a climb, weeks rehearsing and honing their skills, and at least a day attempting to reach the summit. And then, having achieved their goal, they spend just a few moments enjoying the experience, along with one or two equally certifiable companions who have little in common other than wanting to do it all again, but a little higher.. quirks-of-life Jeffrey Archer
b396f15 The worst moment of any campaign is waiting for the sun to rise on the morning of the battle only-time-will-tell Jeffrey Archer
ca80d25 If you have to pay a bill, always make it look as if the amount is of no consequence. Jeffrey Archer
88ccdda Only three things mattered about a hotel: position, position and position. Jeffrey Archer
95dc95a Good night, good night, parting is such sweet sorrow,' she whispered 'That I shall say good night till it be morrow,' Harry replied. only-time-will-tell Jeffrey Archer
254f8da Pride has never been a virtue. There are some occasions on which it is wise to remain silent. Jeffrey Archer
1d8454a No time like the present Jeffrey Archer
6fb2847 You see, the problem with being a bully is that on the flipside of that particular coin, you'll find the imprint of a coward. Jeffrey Archer
a6895c4 A work of art is worth what someone will pay for it. Jeffrey Archer
9daea34 The bastard. It's bad enough knowing he's stolen our money,but it's humiliating having to watch him spend it. jeffrey jeffrey-archer Jeffrey Archer
38aeff3 Time spent on preparation is seldom wasted. Jeffrey Archer
2600930 if you take care of the pennies, the pounds will take care of themselves. Jeffrey Archer
8db39ba No, Mr Redmayne, not my tears. Although I've read that letter every day for the past eight months, those tears were not shed by me, but by the man who wrote them. He knew how much I loved him. We would have made a life together even if we could only spend one day a month with each other. I'd have been happy to wait twenty years, more, in the hope that I would eventually be allowed to spend the rest of my life with the only man I'll ever lov.. love Jeffrey Archer
ee52ff1 It pains me to think how much you are worth now." "I can't tell you that. If you can count it, you haven't got any." jeffrey jeffrey-archer Jeffrey Archer
4d66ef6 only a fool blames the messenger. Jeffrey Archer
e2f8b22 n s`yt lkhf 'Slk fln y`wd `lyk dhlk l blndm remorse Jeffrey Archer
331173c 'My lord, if a man cannot express his honestly held views in the Central Criminal Court, perhaps you can advise me where else he is free to state that which he believes to be the truth? honestly-held-views Jeffrey Archer
41ecd05 n lfrq lwHyd byn lsyd lnbyl w byn lqrSn lHqyqy hw m` mn ytqsm kl mnhm Gny'mh thief stories Jeffrey Archer
558c010 Here was a man, when comes such another? sons-of-fortune Jeffrey Archer
2120045 Sometimes it's an advantage to be disadvantaged, Jeffrey Archer
89f7746 An unguarded comment often proves every bit as valuable as a response to a direct question. Jeffrey Archer
8dadaaa When will the Home Office realize that when judges retire, not only are they sent home for the rest of their lives, but the only people they have left to judge are their innocent wives.' 'So what are you recommending?'asked Alex as they walked into the drawing room. 'That judges should be shot on their seventieth birthday, and their wives granted a royal pardon and given their pensions by a grateful nation.' 'I may have come up with a more .. judges law Jeffrey Archer
2e42138 The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. Jeffrey Archer
e22364e In the end, it all comes down to how you cope with the unforeseen. Jeffrey Archer
72a603a How well they all knew each other now, he thought. In twelve weeks James felt he had come to know more about these three men than any of the so-called friends he'd known for twenty years. For the first time he understood why his father continually referred back to friendships formed during the war with men he normally would never have met. He realised how much he was going to miss Stephen when he returned to America. Success was, in fact, g.. jeffrey jeffrey-archer Jeffrey Archer
f331690 You're so bossy." "Why is a woman always described as bossy, when if a man did the same thing he'd be thought of as decisive, commanding and displaying qualities of leadership?" Jeffrey Archer
6bec523 For the Indians, cricket is not a game, it's a religion. Jeffrey Archer
0ca5d68 yk 'n ttkhl~ `n HrSk novel Jeffrey Archer
f08a3cb n lthr lys Gy@ ljmy` rich novel Jeffrey Archer
99be3b7 His lectures were always well attended, and not just because he imparted so much wisdom and knowledge: he also managed to do it with humour. It had taken Danny some time to realize that the professor enjoyed provoking discussion and argument by offering up outrageous statements to see what reaction he would arouse from his students. mentors Jeffrey Archer
0977ea3 yjb 'n t`rD mntjtk l 'n tbq~ `l~ 'ml 'n yrh lzby'n mSdf@ marketing Jeffrey Archer
81503ef In any conversation, it's often something that seems quite insignificant at the time that gives you the piece of information you're looking for. Jeffrey Archer