Once again Erak bellowed with laughter. "Your master here went nearly the same shade of green as his cloak," he told Will. Halt raised an eyebrow. "At least I found a use for that damned helmet," he said, and the smile disappeared from Erak's face. "Yes. I'm not sure what I'm going to tell Gordoff about that," he said. "He made me promise I'd look after that helmet. It's his favorite-a real family heirloom." "Well it certainly has a lived i..
John Flanagan |
Is that all?" he blurted out. Crowley and Halt exchanged slightly puzzled glances. Then Crowley pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Um...it seems to be...Listed your trainging, mentioned a few achievements, made sure you know which end of an arrow is the sharp part...decided your new name...I think that's..." Then it seemed that understanding dawned on him and his eyes opened wide. "Of course! You have to have you Silver...whatsis, don 't you?" ..
John Flanagan |
He looked up as the party emerged and nickered a soft hello to his master, who was dressed in an unfamiliar green cloak and had dirt plastered on his face. Halt glanced at him, brow furrowed, and silently mouthed the words 'shut up'. Abelardshook his mane, which was as close as a horse could come to shruging, and turned away. 'My horse recognized me,' Halt said accusingly out of the side of his mouth to Horace. Horace glanced at the small s..
John Flanagan |
Young men!" he snorted to Erak. "They think a pretty face can cure every ill." "Some of us can remember back that far. Halt," Erak told him with a grin. "I suppose that's all far behind an old hack like you. Svengal told me you were settling down. Some plump, motherly widow seizing her last chance with a broken-down old gray bear, is she?" Erak, of course, had been told by Svengal that Halt had recently married a great beauty. But he enjoye..
John Flanagan |
Me?" he said in some surprise. "I won't be dancing! It's the bridal dance. The bride and groom dance alone!" For one circuit of the room," she told him. "After which they are joined by the best man and first bridesmaid, then by the groomsman and the second bridesmaid." Will reacted as he had been stung. He leaned over to speak across Jenny on his left, to Gilan. Gil! Did you know we have to dance?" he asked. Gilan nodded enthusiastically. O..
John Flanagan |
Will hadn't seen him come into the room. He realized that the mysterious figure must have slipped in through a side door while everyone's attention was on the Craftmasters as they made their entrance. Now he stood behind the Baron's chair and slightly to one side, dressed in his usual brown and gray clothes and wrapped in his long, mottled gray and green Ranger's cloak. Halt was an unnerving person. He had a habit of coming up on you when y..
John Flanagan |
Hij zegt dat je geleerd hebt je mond te houden als iemand op je hand gaat staan,' zei hij, terwijl hij bloedserieus naar het bericht keek. 'Ik ben blij dat je dat nu kunt... Hij zegt ook dat ik trots op jou mag zijn.' Ze keek hem weer aan. Zijn gezicht was ondoorgrondelijk en de stilte die er viel begon wel erg lang te duren. Uiteindelijk kon ze zich niet meer inhouden. 'En ben je dat ook?' flapte ze eruit. Will glimlachte. 'Zeker wel. Heel..
John Flanagan |
Jullie kijken ook nooit verder dan je neus lang is,' merkte Cassandra op. 'Ik ga wel.
John Flanagan |
Deze chaos bleef wel een minuut lang doorrazen totdat Ragnak opstond van zijn troon. 'Kappen daarmee!' brulde hij.
John Flanagan |
Ik ben blij met jullie gezelschap, Jager. Soms ben ik zo lang met die paarden alleen dat ik begin te denken dat ik er ook een wordt.' Zonder erbij na te denken greep hij in de mand met appelen en nam een flinke hap - net als Trek zojuist gedaan had. Halt keek hem aan, een wenkbrauw opgetrokken. 'Misschien zijn we nog net op tijd gekomen.
John Flanagan |
Hij ziet er anders uit alsof hij ongeveer honderd is.' 'Vind je?' antwoordde zijn moeder... 'Hoe oud denk je dat ik ben?' Hal maakte een wegwerpgebaar en glimlachte. 'Ach mama, jij bent nog lang niet zo oud,' antwoordde hij geruststellend. 'Jij bent hooguit ergens in de zestig.' Karina was in werkelijkheid achtendertig... In de zestig, ja hoor, dacht ze.
John Flanagan |
Halt smiled at him. 'People love talking to me,' he said. 'I'm an excellent conversationalist and I have a sparkling personality. Ask Horace, I've been bending his ear all the way from Dun Kilty, haven't I?
John Flanagan |