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d83f61c A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face. Jorge Luis Borges
457f8b8 If I could live again my life, In the next - I'll try, - to make more mistakes, I won't try to be so perfect, I'll be more relaxed... I'll take fewer things seriously.. I'll take more risks, I'll take more trips, I'll watch more sunsets, I'll climb more mountains, I'll swim more rivers, I'll go to more places I've never been I'll eat more ice ...I'll have more real problems and less imaginary ones If I could live again - I will travel light Jorge Luis Borges
38d78c7 You who read me, are You sure of understanding my language? Jorge Luis Borges
1fb48f3 Learning After some time, you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and imprisoning a soul; You learn that love does not equal sex, and that company does not equal security, and you start to learn.... That kisses are not contracts and gifts are not promises, and you start to accept defeat with the head up high and open eyes, and you learn to build all roads on today, because the terrain of tomorrow is too insecure for plans.... life-lessons Jorge Luis Borges
6ddfc14 Sometimes, looking at the many books I have at home, I feel I shall die before I come to the end of them, yet I cannot resist the temptation of buying new books. Whenever I walk into a bookstore and find a book on one of my hobbies -- for example, Old English or Old Norse poetry -- I say to myself, "What a pity I can't buy that book, for I already have a copy at home." book-collecting poetry Jorge Luis Borges
b5c13ca I have no way of knowing whether the events that I am about to narrate are effects or causes. Jorge Luis Borges
8ed266b APRENDIENDO Despues de un tiempo, uno aprende la sutil diferencia entre sostener una mano y encadenar un alma, y uno aprende que el amor no significa acostarse y una compania no significa seguridad, y uno empieza a aprender... Que los besos no son contratos y los regalos no son promesas, y uno empieza a aceptar sus derrotas con la cabeza alta y los ojos abiertos, y uno aprende a construir todos sus caminos en el hoy, porque el terreno de ma.. Jorge Luis Borges
6b2ef7e There are those who seek the love of a woman to forget her, to not think about her. love woman Jorge Luis Borges
a81d6aa Whatever one man does, it is as if all men did it. For that reason, it is not unfair that one disobedience in a garden should contaminate all humanity; for that reason it is not unjust that the crucifixion of a single Jew should be sufficient to save it. philosophy Jorge Luis Borges
19b45e7 What man of us has never felt, walking through the twilight or writing down a date from his past, that he has lost something infinite? Jorge Luis Borges
173fe41 Man's memory shapes Its own Eden within Jorge Luis Borges
20dd181 I...have always known that my destiny was, above all, a literary destiny -- that bad things and some good things would happen to me, but that, in the long run, all of it would be converted into words. Particularly the bad things, since happiness does not need to be transformed: happiness is its own end. Jorge Luis Borges
5ae7afd A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships Jorge Luis Borges
8a06ed8 Writings of light assault the darkness, more prodigious than meteors. The tall unknowable city takes over the countryside. Sure of my life and death, I observe the ambitious and would like to understand them. Their day is greedy as a lariat in the air. Their night is a rest from the rage within steel, quick to attack. They speak of humanity. My humanity is in feeling we are all voices of that same poverty. They speak of homeland. My homelan.. poetry Jorge Luis Borges
3a16c4a I believe that in time we will have reached the point where we will deserve to be free of government. government Jorge Luis Borges
ac54720 All men who repeat a line from Shakespeare are William Shakespeare Jorge Luis Borges
668fb6a My taste runs to hourglasses, maps, seventeenth-century typefaces, etymologies, the taste of coffee, and the prose of Robert Louis Stevenson. Jorge Luis Borges
88b9d3e Cervantes' text and Menard's are verbally identical; but the second is almost infinitely richer. Jorge Luis Borges