It was because a great-looking man with no apparent mental defects found her attractive. Imagine feeling so buoyant over something so juvenile.
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Look, I'm not a demon here. I don't eat babies or kick puppies. I just tell the truth." She shrugged. "Can I help it if that makes the liars of the world angry?"
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Then, almost as an afterthought, she turned and locked the bathroom door. If he thought he was going to seduce her, make her stupid enough to believe his lies by getting her into bed, he'd better think again. She stepped into the water. Besides, women didn't lose brain cells at the thought of sex. Only men did.
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I've never believed there is any animal more dangerous than a human being. I never will. It's the intelligence. It's the mind that makes it so.
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You think I don't know what you're doing? This is a typical guy stunt. Protect the helpless female, lead the bad guy away and send her scurrying for help." He put a hand on her cheek. "If he caught up to us and something happened to you... I don't know what I'd do." Her lips trembled, though she tried to look angry. "Macho garbage."
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It's you Tempest I told her. Not her. It's been you all along. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you.... I made her trust me to save you.
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I love you Utanapishtim. Ziasudra. And if I die tonight, my only regret will be that we didn't have more time together. And if I die a thousand years from now, my only regret will be exactly the same. I love you, I love you. I love you
Maggie Shayne |
You've felt guilty ever since, haven't you? That's why you're such a rogue reporter, with your exposes and your inside dirt. It's all backlash." "You see right through me, Jones. I'm just a tortured soul, in search of redemption. So you wanna have sex with me now?" The look on her face went from one of sympathetic understanding to one of disgust faster than his Porsche could go from zero to sixty. "You are such an asshole." "Ah, come on. I'..
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That was sarcasm. I cannot read tea leaves. I mean, not unless someone lines them up in the shapes of letters.)
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You should slow down. Learn to enjoy the journey. You never really get where you're going, anyway.
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She's got a hair-trigger temper and paper-thin patience and a black panther for a pet.
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Keeping a professional distance had never been what Vince O'Mally did best. Hell, it was the one thing he wished he could do
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I loaded on enough sarcasm to clog up a black hole.
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that experience of getting it wrong that makes me know what's right.
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I don't like you, Jack. You know that, right ?" "Right. No more than I like you, Brigham." "And I'm not afraid of this thing. I'm not afraid of anything. You know that, too, right ?" "I've never seen you scared. I can give you that." Till now, he thought, but he didn't say that part aloud, mostly because it would piss her off and he was dying to see where the hell she was going with it. "Good, just so we're clear on it. I wouldn't want you ..
Maggie Shayne |
God, Brigham. You never told me you were a goddamn goddess.
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Eat dessert first in case you're going to choke to death on your b
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Do not cry for me, Raven. Dying is part of living, a birth into a new life. You know this.
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In some previous lifetime, my daughter, you died while attempting to save the life of another witch. Because of this, you were born into this lifetime with the gift of immortality. But this is only one of two ways that gift can be passed on.
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knowledge is power.
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when Orrin and Maria Brand had been killed in that car accident, leaving him as sole caretaker to his five younger siblings. And when
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He thought she was like all four seasons wrapped in one unpredictable day. She could go from sunshine to blizzard, from heat wave to ice storm, from gentle breeze to lightning bolt, all in the blink of an eye. And he had no idea what sort of weather was coming next.
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Lonely is better than used, Brigit. Besides, who the hell is there to trust? Who do you suggest I start with?
Maggie Shayne |
Dark clouds skittered over the half moon, making shadows on her face, and the wind coming off the lake, whipped more of her hair loose. It reached for him, caressing his cheeks like loving fingers. Right then, he was afraid he'd do anything she asked of him. She leaned back, hands flat on the ground behind her, and her legs stretched out in front, one crossed over the other at her ankle. She wore no stockings tonight. Her lean legs were bar..
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the rage she'd stored up back then would be all she'd need to keep her going now. Just long enough to unleash it on a worthless, abusive pig.
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hand. "Care to explain"
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a typical male who would find a way to blame his lust on the object of it.
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Cops coming and going, keyboards clicking, phones ringing. She looked haggard. Hard. She hadn't always, Vince figured. The worry lines bracketing her eyes, her mouth, the dry skin, the chapped lips, the sense that she really didn't give a damn what she looked like--those things had been strangers to her that first day. The day her kids hadn't come home from school. Now those lines, that hardness, had made themselves at home. It looked as if..
Maggie Shayne |
ARE MY CHILDREN still alive?" Sara Prague asked the question in a quiet, steady voice that he heard very clearly despite the noise around her. Cops coming and going, keyboards clicking, phones ringing. She looked haggard. Hard. She hadn't always, Vince figured. The worry lines bracketing her eyes, her mouth, the dry skin, the chapped lips, the sense that she really didn't give a damn what she looked like--those things had been strangers to ..
Maggie Shayne |
It was nine forty-five. I had Myrt's designer goggles dangling from one finger. Amy held out her hand. "I'll take vet duty if I can borrow the Subaru."
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Turning, she unlocked the next door and went through it to the larger part of the
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pajama bottoms
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Maggie Shayne |
Maggie Shayne |
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But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Maggie Shayne |
It occurred to me that kids could easily take over the world. They could hack in and use our own technology against us. Or just decide to stop helping us figure it out to begin with. Either way, we adults would be relegated to a life of servitude and there would be weekly keggers in the White House rose garden. The only reason this hasn't already happened is that the kids haven't figured it out yet. When
Maggie Shayne |
Maggie Shayne |
The frivolous can waste more by the teaspoon than the frugal can bring home by the wheelbarrow.
Maggie Shayne |
It occurred to me that kids could easily take over the world. They could hack in and use our own technology against us. Or just decide to stop helping us figure it out to begin with. Either way, we adults would be relegated to a life of servitude and there would be weekly keggers in the White House rose garden. The only reason this hasn't already happened is that the kids haven't figured it out yet. When they buy a clue, it's gonna suck to ..
Maggie Shayne |
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sightlessly at the television. Was this what he truly wanted out of life? Endless nights like this one? Alone, bored. "But free," he muttered, and lifted his can in a mocking toast to freedom. It was that damned Jessi, making him feel restless and frustrated and itchy. Her and all her suggestive glances. Her and her hot kisses. Her and her talk about the clinic and the house and the family she'd have there one day. He didn't want that, damm..
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liniment, Chelsea ached more in the morning than she had the night before. She rolled carefully out of bed, sending a jealous glance toward Ethan. He'd slept the night through in
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wondered if
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