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60f6522 We are not becoming more educated; we are simply acquiring more knowledge. There is a fundamental difference between the two. Massimo Pigliucci
04df562 It seems to me trivially true that particle physics does in fact deal with the simplest objects in the entire universe: atoms and their constituents. At the opposite extreme, biology takes on the most complex things known to humanity: organisms made of billions of cells, and ecosystems whose properties are affected by tens of thousands of variables. Massimo Pigliucci
86e63e6 we must require an agreement to the principle that there are no sacred cows. Anything and everything must be the subject of free inquiry and skeptical investigation. To allow otherwise, for practical or any other kind of reasons, is an intellectual travesty. Massimo Pigliucci
7db3d43 British astronomer royal Richard Woolley, who in 1956 said, "All this talk about space travel is utter bilge, really."10 Yuri Gagarin was the first human to orbit the earth just five years later." Massimo Pigliucci
e0f2dfe CEI in 1992 "advised" the Food and Drug Administration to approve recombinant bovine somatotropin, which is a bioengineered growth hormone. Now surely such recommendation would be accompanied by the further suggestion of labeling the resulting products so that consumer choice- that ultimate driver of market forces-could be openly exercised? Think again: the CEI argued that mandatory labeling of dairy products is "inappropriate" because it v.. Massimo Pigliucci
123592b the nature of science is not that of a steady, linear progression toward the Truth, but rather a tortuous road, often characterized by dead ends and U-turns, and yet ultimately inching toward a better, if tentative, understanding of the natural world. Massimo Pigliucci
3afe261 one does not need experiments to do science. While this claim may sound strange and counterintuitive at first, a moment's reflection will show that it is obviously true: astronomers do not conduct experiments, and yet we think of astronomy as solidly situated within the sciences, not the humanities or the pseudosciences. Why? Because astronomers can carry out the two fundamental activities that, jointly considered, truly characterize a scie.. Massimo Pigliucci
f0fe2d8 These and similar examples are easy enough to uncover, and they make two crucial points: first, good science does not require experiments, it can be done with an intelligent use of observational evidence; second, there is more than one way to do science, depending on the nature of the questions and the methods typical of the field. Massimo Pigliucci
f31ef60 the boundaries separating science, nonscience, and pseudoscience are much fuzzier and more permeable than (or, for that matter, most scientists) would have us believe. There is, in other words, no litmus test. fractal karl-popper philosophy-of-science pseudoscience Massimo Pigliucci
0bdfcee For every expert there is an equal and opposite expert; but for every fact there is not necessarily an equal and opposite fact. --Thomas Sowell, American economist Massimo Pigliucci
2c5dfb2 It is instructive to note that different cultures "discovered" completely different constellations in the sky, a fact that is more consistent with the idea that constellations are a whimsical projection of the human mind than a reflection of astronomic reality." Massimo Pigliucci
5daa4bc Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.-Adam Smith Massimo Pigliucci
a8eacce The many-worlds theory basically maintains that the reason quantum mechanics seems so strange is because we have access to only one of an infinite number of worlds. From our narrow perspective, the output of certain measurements (like that of the double-slit experiment) seems random and probabilistic, but that is an artifact of the fact that, literally, we don't have the full picture. Massimo Pigliucci
1ad1c01 Better to endure pain in an honorable manner than to seek joy in a shameful one. There is a way to understand Massimo Pigliucci
65c650c if I think (and I do) that Deepak Chopra talks nonsense when he tells people about quantum mechanical elixirs of youth, I would first have to be an expert in quantum mysticism. But the problem is that quantum mysticism is (I think) quackery, and that therefore there is no such thing as an "expert" on quantum mysticism." Massimo Pigliucci
1aaf8fc are we going to teach the best of what we currently know about the world (however provisional such knowledge may be), or shall we decide if the earth is flat or round by majority consensus? Massimo Pigliucci
49143f0 Or maybe, another explanation goes, we are in fact surrounded by ETs and simply don't know it, perhaps because they decided to make the solar system a natural reserve, a place where other races can go and see what it is like to be in the infancy of civilization (appropriately, this has been nicknamed the "zoo hypothesis")." Massimo Pigliucci