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edeac3c Those kids are going to eat her alive," Simon said, walking up to stand beside Alex. "I am not so sure. She has spirit." "I don't know about spirit, but she's about the loveliest lady I've ever seen." Alex bristled. He knew that many of these men were already hounding her with marriage proposals, but he didn't want her to have to marry one of them for provision. "You had better take care not to make a fool of yourself, my friend." Simon lau.. Melanie Dobson
292207c The owner of a book, I've discovered, can be as intriguing as the author. And owners often lose more than someone else's story when they give away their books. Sometimes they give away a part of their story as well. Melanie Dobson
5eb7965 Christopher Westcott slowly drank his pint of ale at the Bird and Baby, as locals liked to call the Eagle and Child, and basked in the familiar smells- old wood bathed in lemon oil, braised beef, stale beer that spackled the bar. The pub was a popular mecca for those who admired J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and their entire literary giants they called Inklings. Christopher wasn't even close to being a literary giant nor was he a tourist, but.. inklings gods-grace gods-love theologians pub Melanie Dobson
1e71567 I do not disapprove of you personally, Miss Waldron. These children are an unruly group. I do think we need a man to temper them before any teaching is done. We have had so many teachers..." A slight smile crept up her lips. "'Unruly' doesn't frighten me." "I wonder, Miss Waldron," He leaned toward her. "What does frighten you?" She glanced out the window, at Micah and his friend walking away from her. "Losing someone else I love." -- Melanie Dobson
96cf958 Do you know a woman by the name of Samantha Waldron?" he asked. "Of course I do." The woman tilted her head. "But how do you know her?" "I met her at Fort Vancouver." "And you came all the way down here looking for her." He nodded. "I have come to ask her to be my wife." With a big smile, the woman directed him to the house where she said Samantha lived. He crossed the grassy field, eyeing a small wooden home with a split-rail fence circlin.. Melanie Dobson
3a9984b Lord Alexander Clarke stood before her, looking quite regal in his frock coat and top hat. She couldn't breathe. "You're supposed to be on that boat," she said, her voice trembling. "Going to London." "London is no longer my home." "But Lady Judith--" He stopped her. "She did not want to stay here." "You were supposed to marry." He shook his head. "I did not love her, nor did she love me." She brushed her hands over her yellow apron, streak.. Melanie Dobson
8d91097 Micah set down his gift and wrapped his arms around both of them. Alex leaned down and lifted the boy with one arm. The other he put around Samantha. "I no longer have an income, or a position for that matter, but we can find our way together, can't we?" Samantha smiled. "I have a surprise for you." He kissed the top of her head. Micah grinned. "Does this mean you're going to marry her?" "If your sister says it is all right." Tears trickled.. Melanie Dobson
b766617 I wanted you to know..." he started and then hesitated. "What?" she asked. "I did not vote to kill the dogs." She caught her breath, surprise mixing with relief. Jack had stood up for what was right. "You only wanted me to trust you." He nodded. "One day you'll love a man, Samantha. A man you will trust." She hoped he was right. One day she hoped to marry a man she trusted with her life and her heart." Melanie Dobson
ea83221 Papa stirred in the candlelight, opening his eyes. "Oh, Samantha," he murmured, his smile weak. "You're as pretty as your mother." She shook her head. Her body was covered with dust, her hair windblown, her nose burnt from the sun. And she was tired to her core. "I'm not pretty, Papa." "Yes, you are." Papa reached for her hand, squeezed it. "And you are strong--much stronger than your mama, and stronger than me." Melanie Dobson
2b1c9a2 And many people--today and from years past--didn't understand or honor faithfulness. A deep commitment to those you loved, to persevere no matter what. One didn't just forget a lost friend. Melanie Dobson
03dd3dc Look at this view, Papa." Samantha gently lifted his head so he could see the splendor outside. "You made it to the Columbia River." He rested against her. "The Columbia," he said slowly. "We did it." "Yes, we did." She lay Papa back down to rest, but moments later he sat up again, his voice more urgent this time. "I haven't been a good father to you." "Yes, you have." He shook his head. "Forgive me?" She had nothing to forgive him for, but.. Melanie Dobson
b1bb39c What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. THOMAS PAINE, THE AMERICAN CRISIS, 1776 Melanie Dobson
374d28b Jack rode back into the river, steering his horse toward their raft. Samantha couldn't see his dark brown hair under his wide-brimmed hat, but she could see the focus in his face, the strength of his arms as he guided his horse. When he glanced over at her, she blushed. Micah elbowed her. "Someone's sweet on you." "Hush," she whispered. "Papa says you're going to marry him." She elbowed him back. "I told you to hush." Micah tipped his hat l.. Melanie Dobson
eb23faa With my wet hair wrapped in a towel, I retrieved the tray of food, placed it on the coffee table, and breathed in the aromas of dark espresso and apple butter. Piled onto the tray was a basket of warm croissants, prosciutto sliced so thin it looked like pink tissue paper, slices of honeydew melon, and little white tubs with butter and jam and soft cheese. As I cut open a croissant, its breath warmed my face, and I slathered it with the butt.. french-breakfast Melanie Dobson
9d3647e Alex stepped forward. "Who is gone?" Both men turned, and Huey's eyes filled with surprise. And then fear. "Who is gone?" he repeated. Huey cleared his throat. "Samantha and the boy." Alex clutched his fists. "Where did they go?" "Across the river." Alex grabbed the man's collar, pushing him up against the wall. "What do you mean, they went across the river?" "I told her you wouldn't like it if she left." "Told her?" Alex raged. "Why didn't.. Melanie Dobson
07e1d55 I asked her to marry me," Huey continued, staring at Alex. "But she said her heart belonged to someone else." The man's words emboldened him, calming his fury. Perhaps she had run for the same reason he'd decided to stay. Perhaps she did love him as much as he loved her. His heart raced. "What did they take with them?" "They both had packs...and their dog was carrying supplies on his back too." At least they had Boaz." Melanie Dobson
85dfa14 Are you a fan of escargot?" he asked. "Not particularly." "Good." His smile eased onto his lips again. "I get concerned when people eat snails." I glanced down the menu. "What about chicken?" "I'm not as concerned." "Then I'm going to order the poulet a la fermiere." "What is that?" I glanced back down at the menu. "It's chicken with cream sauce. A farmwife's bounty, it says, with vegetables and fresh herbs." chloe-and-riley chloe-sauver french-cuisine Melanie Dobson
d4cb871 He cleared our bowls and replaced my soup with a plate of creamy chicken with baby potatoes, carrots, and leeks. In front of Riley, he set fillets of red snapper, the fish ornamented with sprigs of rosemary and wedges of lemon. surf-and-turf Melanie Dobson
bdc5172 With a quick thank-you, I focused my attention on the pastry he brought. The flavors melted in my mouth- warm chocolate and melted butter and the flaky sweet crust. This was what I loved about France. A keen appreciation for the simplicity and sweetness of life. The French seemed to savor their minutes along with their food. croissant taste sweet france Melanie Dobson
8ea53a0 Sit and pause a while, my spirit this great miracle behold; See the king of highest merit, on the cross, so bare and cold! Out of heaven God has given His own Son in love untold! Melanie Dobson
63164a7 Not exactly, but I'm learning that this life isn't about me anyway nor is it about what I want out of it. Following Christ is about surrender and faith and about God working through me instead of me working for God. Melanie Dobson
864bf71 She did this because Hitler and him men had given her no other choice. inspiring world-war-2 Melanie Dobson
4828ca6 Every girl should have a mom to talk to, a woman who cares about what she thinks. Who's there when her body--or her heart--is hurting. Melanie Dobson
0190815 My world of books confronts the realities of life, but the endings--at least the ones I prefer--clean up the mess at the end. Everything is resolved when I close the cover, but the ugly realities of this world--what man does to man--bleeds right off the page. Melanie Dobson
8318768 While some might proclaim the death of the print book, every day dozens of kids still tuck themselves away with a book on beanbags or in the hidden spaces Melanie Dobson