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ed11ed1 Nature is a whore. Mother Nature
456906d Mother Earth is laying for youThat's the debts you got to pay Mother Nature
9217119 Let me stand naked in the sunHiding from no one Mother Nature
9eb1499 Nature with folded hands seemed there,Kneeling at her evening prayer! Mother Nature
4482789 O maternal earth which rocks the fallen leaf to sleep! Mother Nature
16fd0fd But on and up, where Nature's heartBeats strong amid the hills. Mother Nature
3654906 And live like Nature's bastards, not her sons. Mother Nature
f9b8f9f Into this wild abyss,The womb of Nature and perhaps her grave. Mother Nature
b7b748d Accuse not Nature, she hath done her part;Do thou but thine! Mother Nature
b574893 One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. Mother Nature
8fa6b7b For all that Nature by her mother-witCould frame in earth. Mother Nature
7ccd066 Nature is always wise in every part. Mother Nature
cb7ac44 Nature never did betrayThe Heart that Loved her. Mother Nature
4b0a313 Nature never did betrayThe heart that loved her. Mother Nature