I'd like to hear your opinion on this piece of Beethoven. And remember, it is not Beethoven who is being examined here.
Paul Strathern |
Ultimately Russell himself admitted that he made his greatest efforts in the field of traditional philosophy - in epistemology, the search for the ultimate grounds of our knowledge about the world. How can we be certain that what we claim to know is true? Where lies the certainty in our experience of the world? Can even the most precise knowledge - such as mathematics - be said to rest on any sure logical foundation? These were the question..
Paul Strathern |
The myth persists in Egypt to this day that Napoleon's soldiers actually disfigured some of these ruins, and are even said to have used the Sphinx as target practice for their cannons, shooting off its nose. This last is a calumny: it is known that the Sphinx was defaced as early as the eighth century by the Sufi iconoclast Saim-ed-Dahr,28 and was further damaged in 1380 by fanatical Muslims prompted by the Koran's strictures against images..
Paul Strathern |
Kendimi yeterince sevmedigim icin daha sonraya kaciyorum hep ve bunun sonucu da su oluyor: Kendimi daha az seviyorum; bu amansiz ilerleyis, kendimi kendi gozumde kucuk dusuruyor.
Paul Strathern |
for. As Napoleon continued, the full extent of his intentions gradually became clearer: having conquered Egypt, he would then mount an expedition to India, where he would attack the British. This force would require 60,000 men, 30,000 of whom would be recruited and trained from amongst the Egyptians; it would take 10,000 horses and 50,000 camels, sufficient to carry supplies for sixty days and water for six. Other provisions would be seques..
Paul Strathern |
Whilst in the process of losing all his money, Cardano noticed that his opponent had marked the cards. Whereupon he leapt up, slashed his opponent across the face with his dagger and grabbed the money. Outwitting his host's spear-wielding servants, he fled into the night-shrouded maze of the streets, eventually falling into a canal. [Footnote: It is interesting to note that Cardano may well have been rector of the University of Padua at the..
Paul Strathern |
At the higher realms of rationality, even reason can begin to appear irrational.
Paul Strathern |
As a consequence of Wittgenstein's philosophy, the questions once asked by philosophy have now passed into the realms of poetry. The way poetry is going, it looks as if they won't be asked much longer here either. We have learned to do without God, and it looks as if we will learn to do without philosophy. It will now, alas, join the ranks of subjects which are completed (and have become completely spurious), such as alchemy, astrology, pla..
Paul Strathern |
As Napoleon later put it, when describing his feelings at this time: "I saw the way to achieve all my dreams. . . . I would found a religion, I saw myself marching on the way to Asia, mounted on an elephant, a turban on my head, and in my hand a new Koran that I would have composed to suit my needs. In my enterprises I would have combined the experiences of the two worlds, exploiting the realm of all history for my own profit."7"
Paul Strathern |
As the invasion fleet sailed east across the Mediterranean, Napoleon would lie in bed reading and dictating to Bourrienne. His principal reading was from the Koran. Like Alexander the Great before him, he intended to absorb the religion of the people over whom he would rule. He insisted that, if necessary, he himself was willing to become a Muslim--an intention that, at least initially, he would show every sign of wishing to fulfill. Howeve..
Paul Strathern |
Less than two centuries later, the Macedonian Greek Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, completing this task in a matter of months, but remaining long enough to found the city of Alexandria, whose site he selected in 331 BC at what was then the western mouth of the Nile delta. After this, in what appeared to be a characteristic act of hubris, but was in fact an attempt to win over the local priesthood, Alexander sacrificed to the sacred bu..
Paul Strathern |
In its early years, Islam encouraged philosophical and scientific speculation: to know how the world worked was to know the mind of God.
Paul Strathern |
the Egyptian expedition would later attempt to explore the inside of the Great Pyramid, which had only been opened up again a few years previously. The French traveler Savary was one of the first to penetrate the interior, and most vividly evokes the atmosphere inside the pyramid at this time: We left our coats at the entrance to the passage which led into the interior, and began to descend, each holding a burning torch. Towards the bottom,..
Paul Strathern |
My life has been a disaster on the grand scale - that I'd better make clear from the start. A catalogue of my former ambitions would give a Napoleon stage-fright. Art, Ethics, Theology, the Sciences (both practical and occult), even Perception itself, to say nothing of my later efforts at Empire Building, Commerce and Exploration - each of these were at some stage fields which I intended to master. My personality accepted no limits; all tha..
Paul Strathern |
Parte do talento excepcional de Einstein residia em sua capacidade de refletir sobre os mais complexos problemas e formulas e perceber os principios fundamentais sobre os quais estes se sustentam.
Paul Strathern |
Comecara a fumar cachimbo e sua bebida preferida era cafe gelado. (Na epoca, Einstein nao bebia cerveja, sobretudo porque nao dispunha de dinheiro suficiente. Na realidade, durante toda a sua vida, nunca teve apreco pelo alcool: achava que embotava seu cerebro.)
Paul Strathern |
1 + 1 = 2 is simply an induction from experience. It is in no way logically or arithmetically 'necessary'. It is induced knowledge, on a par with 'All swans are white'.
Paul Strathern |
side of Plato: The strongest principle is that everybody, whether they are male or female, should have a leader. Likewise, no one should get into the habit of doing anything at all on his own initiative - either in earnest or in jest. Both in war and during time of peace, he should respect his leader and follow him faithfully. He should look up to his leader and follow his guidance in even the smallest matters. For example, he should get up..
Paul Strathern |
Sayginlik iyiligin isareti, ikiyuzluluk ise kotulugun isaretiydi.Insanlar kurallari bozdular fakat toplum olarak degil. Sartre ve Beauvoir kuralin disina cikmislardi. Bu, o zamanlar Fransa'da yapilacak en kustahca seydi. Fakat onlarin bu davranisi daha sonralari tum dunyadaki entelektuellere ilham kaynagi oldu
Paul Strathern |
Paul Strathern |
Plotinus had been born in Alexandria at the beginning of the third century A.D. Like many brilliant critics, he thought he understood what he had read better than the author himself.
Paul Strathern |
Are there any circumstances in which philosophy is not a power game, albeit one that it is conducted according to the most rigid rules, which are intended to direct us toward the truth? Anyone who feels confident enough to answer this question should ponder the words of Xenophanes: 'No one knows, or will ever know, the truth about the gods and everything; for if one chanced to say the whole truth, nevertheless one would never know it.' This..
Paul Strathern |
Rose's experiences had transformed her from a provincial innocent with a Caribbean accent into a woman of sophistication and hard realism, but the uncertainties of her position had taken their psychological toll, inclining her to extravagance and promiscuity. The bloom of her youth was beginning to fade, and she had such bad teeth ("like cloves") that rather than open her mouth to laugh, she maintained a tight-lipped smile whilst snickering..
Paul Strathern |
Bulmasaydin, aramazdin beni.
Paul Strathern |
Aslinda, teorileri, olan teorileri bir bir curutmeyle ilgiliydi. Descartes yanlisti, Kant yetersiz ve Hegel bir burjuvaydi. Geleneksel filozoflarin hicbiri 20.yuzyilda yasamak icin yeterli degildi. Ic dunyasiyla yogun ilgilenisi, psikolojik haritasini anlamasina yol acti ve Freud onu buyulemisti. Fakat sonunda Freud'un da yeterli olmadigini fark etti : Psikanaliz, zihnin ozerkligini reddediyordu. Entelektuel devlerin bir bir dokulmesiyle ge..
Paul Strathern |