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1ef33ba Being terrified but going ahead and doing what must be done--that's courage. The one who feels no fear is a fool, and the one who lets fear rule him is a coward. heroism fear Piers Anthony
3552646 When you steal from the library, you are preventing anyone else from reading that book, and the very notion makes me want to drop you in the Void. libraries Piers Anthony
077be33 One day you'll discover that the opinions of worthless people are worthless. opinions Piers Anthony
882279e Adults had the notion that juveniles needed to suffer. Only when they had suffered enough to wipe out most of their naturally joyous spirits and innocence were they staid enough to be considered mature. An adult was essentially a broken-down child. suffering innocence Piers Anthony
4d971d6 Every person professes to love good and hate evil, but in his actions his real preferences emerges. Piers Anthony
7d243d2 For our stories are not yet finished, and perhaps will never be. Piers Anthony
993b413 But one must go where one's road leads, even when it's a distressing road. Piers Anthony
dcd7769 Decent folk had to let indecent folk do their thing; that was the paradox of decency. Piers Anthony
182bb1d What kind of fool had he been, to throw away romance untried? romance Piers Anthony
6d2e080 Be what you are; it is better that way. --Dolph Piers Anthony
a5728de She looked around. "Oh, I've just got to hug somebody! You!" And she hugged Puck, the little ghost horse. "And you." She hugged Pook, and Peek, and even the nose of the moat monster. "But not you," she decided, encountering the zombie." Piers Anthony
f36edb9 Evil can never touch the person who refuses to accept it. Piers Anthony
2a89b91 Barbarian --A Code of Conduct honored by all true barbarian warriors, requiring excellent coordination with weapons, closeness to nature, awkwardness with women, common sense, and completion of the mission. Piers Anthony
ea03e1f You don't have to settle for what you are at this moment. You can work to a difference. --Chex Piers Anthony
9dc0899 Dor woke again as dawn came. The sun had somehow gotten around to the east, where the land was, and dried off so that it could shine again. humour Piers Anthony
16da3cc Why did things have to be so complicated with human beings?...Yet if we were not what we were, creatures with at least the awareness of purpose and honor, what would we be? Empty knights in armor, seeming so strong on the outside, yet hollow inside? Piers Anthony
50cd0b1 Man is the one creature on Earth who knows he will die, and that is an appalling intellectual burden. Piers Anthony
79db7f7 Is it foolish to care for non-existent folk? Then, leave me to my foolishness. literature feelings writing empathy Piers Anthony
5c66c8b By all means. Swords have ever been the best servants of crazy men. Piers Anthony
75be55e the sweetest temptation could be that which was known to be the most foolish. Piers Anthony
533ad24 Bink knew the dolphin only from old pictures; it was a kind of magic fish that breathed air instead of water. Piers Anthony
05368fa Information is power. --Humfrey Piers Anthony
d8ef495 Come try my strength, you dogs who thought to attack helpless prey! But when you do, O beasts of night, know that you face the Lord of Night. I am Death! Piers Anthony
f0fabb2 What is life, except an ongoing instinct for survival? Nature uses that instinct to make us perform; otherwise we would all relax, and the species would disappear. Nature is a cruel green mother. The survival instinct is a goad, not a privilege. Piers Anthony
f1c4ae9 At this slower pace the journey took a couple of days, and I fought off a few minor threats along the way --griffins, carnivorous plants, giant serpents, hostile centaurs, that sort of thing, purely routine --and I was beginning to get bored when at last the dusky towers of Castle Roogna hove into view. Piers Anthony
48d25b2 Latia returned, coming around the curve and stepping through the glass. "Yes, it's our path," she reported. "And it seems to be near the ogre fen." "Oh? How do you know?" Esk asked. "Oh, nothing specific. Trees twisted into pretzels, boulders cracked with hairy fist marks on them, dragons slinking about as if terrified of anything on two legs. Perhaps I am mistaken." Piers Anthony
c04b000 Enough , you hens!" Niobe exploded. "It's tentative!" Lachesis snorted "As tentative as a pregnancy,girl!" Piers Anthony
48ae655 How many people similarly spent their lives searching for their own spells--some gratuitous benefit such as a silver tree or political power or undeserved acclaim--when all they really needed was to be satisfied with what they already had? Sometimes what they had was better than what they thought they wanted. Piers Anthony
d4f8e7d I have, as may be apparent, not much respect for editors as a class. writing publishing Piers Anthony
1dd1c69 Referring to Jumper the spider, who needs to hide himself in human form, and he's learning to act like a human. "I'm sure I can learn to walk faster than that," he said desperately. "But you'll also need to learn the nuances of human behavior. Such as not going around naked." "What's wrong with being natural?" he demanded. "Humans aren't natural. They are girt about by all manner of conventions. It will take time for you to catch up with th.. spiders morals Piers Anthony
863eb9a A good notion for a novel is far too precious to waste; it must be caught the moment it flashes into mental view, or it will escape to the brain of some other writer who really doesn't deserve it. Piers Anthony
f14403f Polishing: a useful lesson for the hopeful writer. You say your tormented prose doesn't read as well as mine? Neither does mine, at first! Piers Anthony
9693a58 Yes, I'm always hungry after a fatal injury. --Jordan Piers Anthony
c7ab925 She would have to ride the nightmare in her sleep. Only that would keep it material, or enable her to dematerialize with it. Piers Anthony
ab55565 Now it was done. He was free of Xanth forever. Free to make his own life, without being ridiculed or mothered or tempted. Free to be himself. Bink put his face in his hands and cried. freedom life Piers Anthony
2c9853b Do you seek to bribe Death?" Zane asked, half angry and two-thirds curious." Piers Anthony
b741e0a It is the man who can't be trusted who does not trust others because he judges them by himself. Piers Anthony
9bc08b1 At first I was exhilarated by my freedom from the responsibility of the kingship. This lasted about seven minutes. I was also depressed by my freedom from marriage, for I had become accustomed to the attentions of a woman. This lasted about nine minutes. Then I was bored. Piers Anthony
a4b4523 I don't care how the sin ledger stands. There seem to be a number of artificial standards of good and evil that don't really relate to true merit or demerit. Maybe the official system of classification has failed to keep up with the changing nature of our society. Piers Anthony
081f14a A mortal person's mind is like a wilderness, with a tremendous volume of decaying constructs and half-understood experience forming natural harbors for wild animal effects. Piers Anthony
f3a15ba Dor shook his head. Such mysteries were beyond his fathoming. All he could do was...what he could do. life-lessons Piers Anthony
d37cb27 But I've been dead much longer than I lived, and I have had the chance to educate myself in that that I lacked in life. I wasn't stupid when I lived, just ignorant. There's a lot to learn, simply by watching the follies of the living. Piers Anthony
dfc8158 All because he had tried to rescue a beautiful, vacuous girl from a dragon. In folklore, such a hero always received a most intriguing reward. In reality, the hero was as likely as not to find himself in need of rescue... Piers Anthony
15213f6 Writers pay a lot of attention to wordage, because some publishers seem to care more about length than about quality and will automatically reject novels that don't fit their narrow standards of length - or will chop out extra wordage to make a novel fit. writing Piers Anthony