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f1a6f5c you can't let something that'll probably never happen ruin your life. You're only helping to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy Raymond Khoury
14f8101 maybe we don't need a heavenly bribe or the fear of hell and damnation to make us behave decently. Maybe it would be healthier if people started believing in themselves instead. Raymond Khoury
2a33e60 Greed and selfishness do seem to be central motivators of mankind. Raymond Khoury
49ca5d4 We're still dancing to tunes created by men who thought that a thunderstorm was a sig of God's anger. god thunderstrorm tune Raymond Khoury
3a428e7 They don't understand that religion and science are there to serve different purposes. We need science to understand how everything on this planet and beyond works - us, nature, everything we see around us. That's fact - no one with a working brain can question that. But we also need religion. Not for ridiculous counter-theories about things that science can prove. We need it for something else, to fill a different kind of need. The need fo.. religion philosophy raymond-khoury science-and-religion Raymond Khoury
df29b8f It's amazing, isn't it? Here we are, two thousand years later, with everything we've accomplished, everything we know, and yet this little talisman still rules the way billions of people live...and die. Raymond Khoury
970b774 Always seeking to open channels to new dimensions of consciousness and reach new heights of enlightenment, he spent a lot of time and money endearing himself to and worming his way into the trust of secretive tribal healers and shamans. Under their guidance, he experimented with all kinds of psychoactive substances and entheogens--mostly plant-derived concoctions that played a pivotal role in the religious practices of the tribal cultures h.. Raymond Khoury
26ef8d0 The Bible tells us the messiah will only return AFTER we've had the final battle between God's children and the army of the antichrist out there in Israel. It's only after that happens that we can be saved by the Rapture . . . we're still waiting for the Israelis to bomb the crap out of Iran and kick-start the whole thing. Raymond Khoury
d9b6662 religion has always been the fuel that keeps the furnaces of intolerance and hatred burning. Raymond Khoury
f15438b Lam cai ghe nhu toi thi kho co vo lam" "Cha, han roi, neu cai nghe do cho phep anh nhay len may bay voi cac co gai chi moi quen biet. Toi cung han chang muon chong minh lam dieu do hang ngay" Raymond Khoury
4a9b8fd Be quan toa cang voi the gioi con lai Raymond Khoury
f9237a7 Ai trong chung ta thuc su biet dieu gi se xay ra voi minh? Anh chi can song cuoc song cua minh va hi vong vao nhung dieu tot dep nhat Raymond Khoury
009404f most expeditions lacked something Vance had at his disposal: the astrolabe, Raymond Khoury
39568e2 beneath it all, religion has always been the fuel that keeps the furnaces of intolerance and hatred burning. And it holds us back from better things, but mostly from coming to terms with the truth about who we've become, from embracing everything science has taught us and continues to teach us, from forcing us to make ourselves accountable for our own actions. Raymond Khoury
deb8c73 What did it matter if it was based on a story that embellished the truth? Raymond Khoury
184cf3a I curse you, Philippe le Bel, and your buffoon pope, and I call on God Almighty to have you both join me before His seat within the year, to suffer His judgment, and burn forever in the furnaces of hell... Raymond Khoury
4f46de6 At the time, any science, as it was then called, was thought to be a challenge to the authority of the Church; a science that promised spiritual purification was a direct threat to the Church. Raymond Khoury
736325a Over a billion people out there, worshipping these writings, accepting every word as God's own wisdom, slaughtering each other over them, and all of it without having the vaguest notion of where these scriptures really come from. Raymond Khoury
13e6138 racing certainty Raymond Khoury
1233f90 And it holds us back from better things, but mostly from coming to terms with the truth about who we've become, from embracing everything science has taught us and continues to teach us, from forcing us to make ourselves accountable for our own actions. Raymond Khoury
c03e5ac This battle, this war, between us . . . this 'clash of civilizations,' as your people like to call it. It's a long-term fight. It's not about who's got the biggest gun. It's not about landing one big killer punch. It's about attrition. It's about killing the body slowly, with lots of well-placed jabs. It's about relentlessly chipping away at the soul of your enemy with every opportunity you get. Raymond Khoury
740ac5f There are two billion Christians out there, Sean, and a lot of them think of the Bible as God's words. His actual words. They think the twenty-seven texts that make up the New Testament were handed down to us by God himself, to help us lead better lives and achieve eternal salvation. They don't realize that nothing could be farther from the truth and that what we call the Bible was actually Raymond Khoury
0fd668e together a few hundred years after Jesus's crucifixion. But we know different. We know for a fact that early Christianity was very diverse in its beliefs and in its writings. It was made up of scattered communities of people who had competing interpretations of what Jesus was and what he preached and what he did, communities that based their faiths on very different ideas. And before too long, they started squabbling about whose version was.. Raymond Khoury
33282d5 It was only with Christianity that the idea of what a person believed in started to matter, and matter a lot, because his or her eternal life suddenly depended on it. Raymond Khoury
eb95752 But the winners chose what we should believe in. They chose which writings were sacred and which ones were 'heretical. Raymond Khoury