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ad608b0 I believe our education system as a whole has not integrated the histories of all people into our education system, just the Eurocentric view of itself, and the White-centered view of African Americans, and even this is slim to nonexistent. What I find is that most people don't know the fact they don't know, because of the complete lack of information. education-system eurocentric-education race-inequality ronald-takaki white-privilege knowledge Ronald Takaki
8f24b43 the study of diversity is essential for understanding how and why America became what Walt Whitman called a "teeming nation of nations." Ronald Takaki
2154328 Certain it is," he predicted in his book The Land of Gold, published in 1855, "that the greater the diversity of colors and qualities of men, the greater will be the strife and conflict of feeling." Helper insisted that America should be a homogeneous white society. Comparing the entry of the Chinese in the West to the existence of blacks in the East, he protested: "Our population was already too heterogeneous before the Chinese came. I sho.. Ronald Takaki
9a87813 Jefferson exploded with guilt: "The torment of mind, I will endure till the moment shall arrive when I shall not owe a shilling on earth is such really as to render life of little value." Ronald Takaki
9c59d23 The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. Our children see this, and learn to imitate it; for man is an imitative animal. This quality is the germ of all education in him. From his cradle to his grave he is learning to do what he sees others do. If a parent could find no motive either in his phil.. Ronald Takaki
3771963 What I find is that most people don't know the fact that they don't know, because of the complete lack of information."4" Ronald Takaki
38973ab War is our only recourse. There is no other remedy. Ronald Takaki
b0d8b0d War exists notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid it."8" Ronald Takaki
b2d2d01 Chinese men were seen as sensuous creatures, especially interested in white women. A writer for the New York Times reported that he noticed "a handsome but squalidly dressed young white girl" in an opium den and inquired about her. The owner replied: "Oh, hard time in New York. Young girl hungry. Plenty come here. Chinaman always have something to eat, and he like young white girl. He! He!" Ronald Takaki
216cef3 At the state's constitutional convention of 1878, John F. Miller warned: "Were the Chinese to amalgamate at all with our people, it would be the lowest, most vile and degraded of our race, and the result of that amalgamation would be a hybrid of the most despicable, a mongrel of the most detestable that has ever afflicted the earth." Two years later, California lawmakers enacted legislation to prohibit the issuance of a license authorizing .. Ronald Takaki
73aace2 In 1852, of the 11,794 Chinese in California, only seven were women. Ronald Takaki