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774e61c Now let's move on to the subject of how a real man treats his wife. A real man doesn't slap even a ten-dollar hooker around, if he's got any self respect, much less hurt his own woman. Much less ten times over the mother of his kids. A real man busts his ass to feed his family, fights for them if he has to, dies for them if he has to. And he treats his wife with respect every day of his life, treats her like a queen - the queen of the home .. emberverse stirling domestic-violence S.M. Stirling
c453099 You can learn by listening, or by getting whacked between the eyes with a two-by-four. I always found listening easier. S.M. Stirling
8475c3d Strange, isn't it, that it's always more difficult to talk people of killing each other than it? S.M. Stirling
8355df8 It is easy to kill. It is equally easy to destroy glass windows. Any fool can do either. Why is it only the wise who perceive that it is wisdom to let live, when even lunatics can sometimes understand that it is better to open a window than to smash the glass? S.M. Stirling
e592ad4 Stress" is mostly the result of not being allowed to kill some asshole you really want to slice and dice." S.M. Stirling
f041080 Sacredness grew like a pearl, sometimes around the most unlikely bits of grit. sacred S.M. Stirling
f90fb36 Grief is the tribute we pay the dead," she said, matter-of-fact sympathy in her voice. "But they don't ask more than we can afford to give. They've never really gone from us, you know, those we love; they're part of our story, and we of theirs." S.M. Stirling
e6a3671 It doesn't stop being magic because you can you explain it, Father. S.M. Stirling
b5102be Be your own judge. But commit no trespass, remembering that where another's liberty begins your own inevitably meets its boundary. S.M. Stirling
ef60789 But then they were males, and therefore idiots about some things. S.M. Stirling
e076369 Sandra was fond of an old Russian saying: S.M. Stirling
7ce610b Likes to fight, does he?" Sandra said thoughtfully. "Oh, yeah. He says there are only two reasons to fight." "Which are?" "Joy and death." Her mother's brows went up. "Joy in death?" "No, no... For joy, to stretch yourself with a friend; or death, to kill as quickly as you can. Nothing in between." S.M. Stirling
4f21b69 There may be a worse form of government than theocracy in the long run, but offhand I can't think of any. S.M. Stirling
1350999 Manure grew the fodder for the cow that made that ice cream and fertilized the beets that gave us the sugar, my girl," Juniper said sternly. "Earth must be fed or we all go hungry." S.M. Stirling
c507bcb Dennis says) "Hey, you're playing confuse-the-unbeliever again. I have never been able to get a straight answer on whether you guys have two deities or dozens, taken from any pantheon you feel like mugging in a theological dark alley. Which is it? Number one or number two?" "Yes," Juniper said, with all the other coven members joining in to make a ragged chorus..." S.M. Stirling
e530bf7 He smiled, looking into the flames. "He used to sleep on the foot of my bed, bad breath and gas and all, and I even took him hunting." "It's odd to take a dog hunting?" "Max? Yeah, sort of like taking along a brass band. He saved a lot of deer from death." S.M. Stirling
4a6fb8c she thought. S.M. Stirling
228447f Wryly: S.M. Stirling
831062b God is no respecter of either persons or names - Dieu or Gott or Kyrie or Adonai or Wakantanka. He is the Great Spirit whose pity we ask. S.M. Stirling
2e5eff0 Sure it is that They have many faces. All the shapes the Divine shows us are true; and none are all the Truth. S.M. Stirling
ecce79a It was hard, to be stripped of the cold comforts of her simple atheistic faith in middle-age. The more so as the evidence seemed to lead to the conclusion that the religions were true, including the ones that flatly contradicted each other. S.M. Stirling
a1fc607 Ah, well, old girl, remember the definition of an Anglo-Saxon: A German who's forgotten his grandmother was Welsh. S.M. Stirling
bcdd561 Truth is a ladder of many rungs, and that from each we gain a new perspective?'' S.M. Stirling
8d4e5c6 Being ignorant is truly bliss compared to being misinformed, especially if you're aware of the depths of your own ignorance. As Mother says, it isn't what you don't know that will kill you, it's what you think you know that just isn't so. S.M. Stirling
af40b77 The others saw him as he stumbled down the stairs, bleeding from nose and ears and eyes an mouth. The sheathed form of the Sword lay across his palms. He met their eyes, and choked out: "Remember. Remember, all of you." Mathilda's voice was infinitely gentle. "Remember what?" "That I was a man, before I was King. Remember for me, when I forget. His hand closed on the black double-lobed hilt, and the moonfire in the opal glowed. He drew the .. S.M. Stirling
3da4475 and he kills without fear, or anger, or hate, with regret even, simply because its necessary. That's rare, and it's rare still among the really first-rate. God help the enemy that finally frightens him or makes him mad. S.M. Stirling
81e210f Yes, she loved the Lord and Lady in Their many forms . . . but those forms spanned the universe of space and time that sprang from Them, and They could be as terrible as the fiery death of suns, as inexorable as Time. A mother's kiss on her child's face came from Them, but so also the glaciers that grind continents to dust. S.M. Stirling
7d34bf6 Mackenzies buried a rapist at a crossroads, with a spear thrust in the soil above; and they buried him living when they could, as a sacrifice to turn aside the anger of the Earth Powers. S.M. Stirling
9c08aa0 Black soil flew up in divots; the horses' heads pounded up and down like pistons, and he felt a sensation of rushing speed no machine could quite match as the great muscles flexed and bunched between his legs. Havel S.M. Stirling
4c3f895 He was of the Old Religion, like nearly all Mackenzies, and wouldn't object to a Catholic ceremony - his faith taught that all paths to the Divine were valid. Christians tended to be a little more exclusive. S.M. Stirling
ce187cd Clan custom and law held that it was the public declaration of intent and then living together that made a handfasting; the ceremonies simply bore witness to it and asked blessings and luck of the Powers on the new family. He knew Christians thought that the ceremony the marriage, though. S.M. Stirling
db4c7b0 Myths are lies; but I believe in the of myths the way I believe in rocks. S.M. Stirling
21387fa ''He chose to come onto your land uninvited with a weapon in his hand,'' he said. ''When a man does that, he consents to his fate and makes you clean of his blood.'' S.M. Stirling
361abe1 Referring to an obsession with Tolkien's Middle Earth): I meet a beautiful American heiress, I like her, she likes me . . . and then she turns out to be a fundamentalist with a more literal interpretation of scripture than I feel comfortable with. Only our bible was written by an Oxford don about sixty years ago. S.M. Stirling
b9f50a1 By... earth," he said, more a movement of the lips than a thing of the throat and air. "By... sky..." Another breath, and it did hurt a little now. The next was harder. The women leaned over him, the mothers of his children. He blinked once more. His own mother, her black braids swinging as she rocked his hurt away. She was singing to him: " S.M. Stirling
80ebe3a Testosterone rots the brain . . . S.M. Stirling
1297596 Like its elder sibling love, friendship was a set of obligations willingly assumed, truth and trust among them, not just a pleasure or a feeling. At least it was if you were to be a friend worth having. S.M. Stirling
9a9a379 And doesn't everything die and return; the grass, the trees, the fields? Why not us? S.M. Stirling
94d5c14 you should always kick a man when he's down. It's much easier then. S.M. Stirling
1ecccad Sandra nodded. "Agreed. A...oh, God, let's not call it a United Nations, shall we? That would doom things from the start." S.M. Stirling
9ac9855 Oh Powers of Earth and Sky, what is it that you've brought back, to run wild once more upon the ridge of the world? S.M. Stirling
999155d I like you, Mike. I just wanted to know about you." He grinned and finished building the fire. "OK, point taken, and I like you too, Juney. It was an RPG." "Role-playing game?" she asked, bewildered, and saw him laugh aloud, his head thrown back--for the first time since they met, she realized. "Rocket Propelled Grenade," he said." S.M. Stirling
d9557de Being ignorant is truly bliss compared to being misinformed, especially if you're aware of the depths of your own ignorance. S.M. Stirling
f893f7a Fear worked both ways - if you suppressed the physical symptoms, it calmed your mind. S.M. Stirling