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649660d Done is better than perfect. women inspirational lean-in business career self-help Sheryl Sandberg
1e9ddf6 We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change. women inspirational business career self-help Sheryl Sandberg
369bb10 Fortune does favor the bold and you'll never know what you're capable of if you don't try. women inspirational business career self-help Sheryl Sandberg
47033ae We need to stop telling [women], "Get a mentor and you will excel." Instead, we need to tell them, "Excel and you will get a mentor." -- lean-in Sheryl Sandberg
804ee9a I learned that effective communication starts with the understanding that there is MY point of view, (my truth), and someone else's point of view (his truth). Rarely is there one absolute truth, so people who believe that they speak THE truth are very silencing of others. When we realize and recognize that we can see things only from our own perspective, we can share our views in a nonthreatening way. Statements of opinion are always more c.. Sheryl Sandberg
9da5cf6 If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, you don't ask what seat. You just get on. Sheryl Sandberg
dd825ae Every job will demand some sacrifice. The key is to avoid unnecessary sacrifice. sacrifice Sheryl Sandberg
1c9b753 As women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at home. I have seen so many women inadvertently discourage their husbands from doing their share by being too controlling or critical. Social scientists call this "maternal gatekeeping" which is a fancy term for "Ohmigod, that's not the way you do it! Just move aside and let me!"...Anyone who wants her mate to be a true partner must treat him as an equal--and equally capab.. Sheryl Sandberg
3095800 Resilience comes from deep within us and from support outside us. It comes from gratitude for what's good in our lives and from leaning in to the suck. It comes from analyzing how we process grief and from simply accepting that grief. Sometimes we have less control than we think. Other times we have more. I learned that when life pulls you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again. Sheryl Sandberg
babd6e9 One of the most important things I've learned is how deeply you can keep loving someone after they die. You may not be able to hold them or talk to them, and you may even date or love someone else, but you can still love them every bit as much. Playwright Robert Woodruff Anderson captured it perfectly: "Death ends a life, but it does not end a relationship." Last" Sheryl Sandberg
15c39da A feminist is someone who believes in social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Sheryl Sandberg
e677330 parents who work outside the home are still capable of giving their children a loving and secure childhood. Some data even suggest that having two parents working outside the home can be advantageous to a child's development, particularly for girls. Sheryl Sandberg
d99f96a If a woman pushes to get the job done, if she's highly competent, if she focuses on results rather than on pleasing others, she's acting like a man. And if she acts like a man, people dislike her. Sheryl Sandberg
f7682d1 grounded hope"--the understanding that if you take action you can make things better." Sheryl Sandberg
6f08e03 And anyway, who wears a tiara on a jungle gym? Sheryl Sandberg
b6ce0db post-traumatic growth could take five different forms: finding personal strength, gaining appreciation, forming deeper relationships, discovering more meaning in life, and seeing new possibilities. Sheryl Sandberg
adb3ec7 Writing this book is not just me encouraging others to lean in. This is me leaning in. Writing this book is what I would do if I weren't afraid. writing Sheryl Sandberg
557b4fb The cost of stability is often diminished opportunities for growth Sheryl Sandberg
aefc2d6 not everything that happens to us happens because of us. Sheryl Sandberg
9483cd6 Taking initiative pays off. It is hard to visualize someone as a leader if she is always waiting to be told what to do. Sheryl Sandberg
d25a01a I'm sorry if this sounds harsh or surprises anyone, but this is where we are. If you want the outcome to be different, you will have to do something about it. reality Sheryl Sandberg
807392c Another one of my favorite posters at Facebook declares in big red letters, "Done is better than perfect." I have tried to embrace this motto and let go of unattainable standards. Aiming for perfection causes frustration at best and paralysis at worst." Sheryl Sandberg
6e4b9c9 Men can comfortably claim credit for what they do as long as they don't veer into arrogance. For women, taking credit comes at a real social and professional cost. Sheryl Sandberg
6f0d6d5 Today, despite all of the gains we have made, neither men nor women have real choice. Until women have supportive employers and colleagues as well as partners who share family responsibilities, they don't have real choice. And until men are fully respected for contributing inside the home, they don't have real choice either. Sheryl Sandberg
fcaae09 I truly believe that the single most important career decision that a woman makes is whether she will have a life partner and who that partner is. Sheryl Sandberg
b528b89 I am more vulnerable than I thought, but much stronger than I ever imagined. Sheryl Sandberg
8f13649 When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated, and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, w.. Sheryl Sandberg
e406d1b The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have."13" Sheryl Sandberg
a5f564f long-term success at work often depends on not trying to meet every demand placed on us. The best way to make room for both life and career is to make choices deliberately--to set limits and stick to them. Sheryl Sandberg
f8a777d Professional ambition is expected of men but is optional--or worse, sometimes even a negative--for women. "She is very ambitious" is not a compliment in our culture." Sheryl Sandberg
dcb74f5 Building resilience depends on the opportunities children have and the relationships they form with parents, caregivers, teachers, and friends. We can start by helping children develop four core beliefs: (1) they have some control over their lives; (2) they can learn from failure; (3) they matter as human beings; and (4) they have real strengths to rely on and share. These Sheryl Sandberg
9e51b29 But instead of blaming women for not negotiating more, we need to recognize that women often have good cause to be reluctant to advocate for their own interests because doing so can easily backfire. Sheryl Sandberg
09ce40f Women need to shift from thinking "I'm not ready to do that" to thinking "I want to do that--and I'll learn by doing it." Sheryl Sandberg
edfa7e3 So please ask yourself: What would I do if I weren't afraid? And then go do it. Sheryl Sandberg
f57a924 As an associate at McKinsey & Company, my first assignment was on a team that consisted of a male senior engagement manager (SEM) and two other male associates, Abe Wu and Derek Holley. When the SEM wanted to talk to Abe or Derek, he would walk over to their desks. When he wanted to talk to me, he would sit at his desk and shout, "Sandberg, get over here!" with the tone one might use to call a child or, even worse, a dog. It made me cringe .. Sheryl Sandberg
8ec7586 when you want to change things, you can't please everyone. If you do please everyone, you aren't making enough progress. Sheryl Sandberg
8160ca0 Hard work and results should be recognized by others, but when they aren't, advocating for oneself becomes necessary. As discussed earlier, this must be done with great care. But it must be done. Sheryl Sandberg
89c4ee7 We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in. Sheryl Sandberg
8b44f05 I couldn't understand when friends didn't ask me how I was. I felt invisible, as if I were standing in front of them but they couldn't see me. When someone shows up with a cast, we immediately inquire, "What happened?" If your ankle gets shattered, people ask to hear the story. If your life gets shattered, they don't. People" -- Sheryl Sandberg
73acea3 Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said that life can only be understood backward but it must be lived forward. Sheryl Sandberg
0f8734a When companies fail, it's usually for reasons that almost everyone knows but almost no one has voiced. When someone isn't making good decisions, few have the guts to tell that person, especially if that person is the boss. One Sheryl Sandberg
1dd06f8 I believe women can lead more in the workplace. I believe men can contribute more in the home. And I believe that this will create a better world, one where half our institutions are run by women and half our homes are run by men. Sheryl Sandberg
70c2a53 We see the potential for good in others and gain hope that we can survive and rebuild. Sheryl Sandberg
674fea0 I thought resilience was the capacity to endure pain, so I asked Adam how I could figure out how much I had. He explained that our amount of resilience isn't fixed, so I should be asking instead how I could become resilient. Resilience is the strength and speed of our response to adversity--and we can build it. It isn't about having a backbone. It's about strengthening the muscles around our backbone. Since Sheryl Sandberg
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